
You Belong in Kindergarten

Given by Dave Myers

The essential lessons learned in kindergarten also apply to entry into the Kingdom of God.

Living in a Strange World

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

What a strange world converted Christians live in! They acknowledge God, as He leads them through the most severe of trials, knowing that the refining process is essential for what God is producing in them.

Joseph - Christianity 101

Given by Bernard Hongerloot

We study the life of Joseph, note his growth in Godly character, and ask how we would have reacted, given the same trials, challenges, and opportunities that God gave him.

Leadership Lessons From Joshua

Given by Tom Clark

Joshua's life of practiced righteousness and loyalty to God prepared him to be a great leader of Israel. Christians are training now to be kings and priests in the Kingdom of God.

How Will You Govern in the World Tomorrow?

Given by Ron Kelley

How Christians prepare today for their future duties in the Kingdom of God.

Is Your Glass Half Full?

Given by Ken Treybig

How we think affects so much of our lives. Do we see things from the perspective of being grateful for God's blessings?

Forty-Five Years in Prophecy

Given by Jim Haeffele

Where are we in prophecy today? A look at the past, present and future shows how our political, social and moral conditions have changed. We can't help but think that the blessing and cursing chapters, Leviticus 28 and Deuteronomy 26, apply to us today.

Are We Living in the Time of the End?

Given by Joel Meeker

The focal point of Bible prophecy is a period called the time of “the end;” the end of the world as we know it, a cataclysmic period just before the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Are we living in the time of the end already? Are there any ways to know if we’re already there or getting close? The Bible does give clear signposts that allow us to know where we are in Bible prophecy.

The Armor of God, Pt 3

Given by Gary Black

In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul lists parts of the spiritual armor Christians are to wear. Are you wearing that spiritual armor? How do you know? How important is that armor? This series addresses why the armor of God is vital to our spiritual wellbeing, and explains how each part of the armor is used.