
What God Has Prepared

What God Has Prepared

Given by David Johnson

Why should a person want to be in God's family and live forever? Will we get bored? What will it be like to be an eternal member of God's family? What has God prepared for those who love Him?

The Greatest Miracle: The Resurrection of the Dead

The Greatest Miracle: The Resurrection of the Dead

Given by Ralph Levy

The resurrection of the dead is the greatest of miracles that will occur in our lives. Known to the servants of God in the Old Testament and opened up to the Church in New Testament times, attaining to the resurrection of the dead should be our No. 1 goal in life, above all other goals.

Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done

Given by Doug Horchak

Christ admonished His disciples to pray for the Kingdom to come and “thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” What is God’s will in His plan? What is His will in this present age? And, more importantly, how does the will of God affect our personal Christian lives?

Feast of Trumpets—The Great Rescue

Feast of Trumpets—The Great Rescue

Given by Jim Franks

Each year we observe the Feast of Trumpets and discuss the return of Christ and the resurrection of the saints. Consider that the Feast of Trumpets is also the rescuing of this world and the beginning of their salvation.

Be Strong and of Good Courage

Be Strong and of Good Courage

Given by David Johnson

16 times Scripture tells Christians to "be strong and of good courage." What is the meaning of "good courage" and how does it differ from human examples of courage? What role does courage play in daily living? How is godly courage developed?

Living Smart, Living Sane

Living Smart, Living Sane

Given by Clyde Kilough

When you think about it, sinning is not very smart! In fact, it’s crazy to sin. Look at all the trouble it causes. God shows us how to live smart and sane in a world going the other way.

When the Student Becomes the Teacher

When the Student Becomes the Teacher

Given by Jim Franks

Our goal at Foundation Institute is to train students in the Word of God.  The Bible refers to a time when we should be teachers.  Our goal is the same for all Church members—that we become teachers of God’s Word and not just students.

Stand to Your Post

Stand to Your Post

Given by Joel Meeker

A relatively unknown American ambassador set a fine example of something Christians are called to do: He remained at his post and did his duty in very trying circumstances. What can we learn from his example?

Is Christ God?

Is Christ God?

Given by Leon Walker

The Scriptures prove clearly that Jesus Christ is an eternal being who has always existed. He was not created. He, along with His Father, is God. At the present time, there are two beings in the one and only true God—God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.