Godly Women Blog

Heavy Burdens

Written by Debra Doss

Stuffed suitcase illustrating heavy spiritual burdensSometimes we carry heavy burdens that weigh us down, but Jesus says His burden is light.

A few years ago we decided to fly to the Feast of Tabernacles site in Colorado with a group of friends. Finally the day of departure came, and we packed up our vehicles and drove to the airport. New restrictions had recently been announced about the weight of suitcases. They could not be over 50 pounds per suitcase or we’d have to pay a penalty.

We brought our luggage to the ticket counter, hoping that we would be below the limit. As each suitcase was weighed, it looked as if we all had come in under the limitation. Were we going to make it?

Finally, the heaviest suitcase was weighed … 48, 49, 50, 50.3 pounds! We looked anxiously at the lady behind the counter. She smiled at us and sent it through to our collective sighs of relief.

Still, as we watched her muscle it onto the belt, we felt for her and the other baggage handlers who would have to lift it, load it and unload it from the plane.

Our needless load

How often do we carry around heavy luggage, encumbered by burdens of sins and past mistakes that we can’t seem to get rid of? Psalm 55:22 states, “Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”

God wants us to give our problems to Him so He can take care of us.

The Christian life

There are times we feel that living the life of a Christian is too hard, but Jesus says that it is easy if we come to Him. He offers true rest for the weary and relief from our burdens.

In Matthew 11:28-30 He says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

A yoke is for sharing a burden. If we are committed to seeking God’s knowledge and the spiritual strength to live by that knowledge, God will help us as we seek to love Him.

Cast your burdens on the Lord

So is your baggage weighing you down? Are you carrying around past grievances, hurts and mistakes, unable or unwilling to let them go? Repent, change and get rid of those burdens.

If we turn over our life to Jesus Christ and share His yoke, then we can truly find rest for our souls and a peace that only comes from trusting God to help carry us through.

Debra Doss and her husband, Bill, live in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and attend the Fort Payne, Alabama, congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association.