News & Prophecy Blog

How the Blessings of Abraham Came to America

Written by Tim Groves

July Fourth fireworks over the Statue of LibertyAs the United States turns 235 years old July 4, let’s revisit her rise to world dominance. Let’s see what made America great and trace her real roots. The Bible shows that with great blessings come great responsibilities.

The United States has been the most materially blessed single nation in history. Though few have recognized it, America’s rise to superpower status was the result of one man’s faithfulness to God.

Some 4,000 years ago God called a man named Abram (whose name God later changed to Abraham). God told Abram to leave his present country and go where He would lead him. God promised Abram that if he obeyed, He would cause many nations and kings to come from his lineage (Genesis 17:1-6).

Abraham continued to be faithful to God, and when Abraham passed the supreme test of being willing to sacrifice his son, God made an unconditional promise that his descendants would be innumerable and have world dominance (Genesis 22:16-18).

Promise of national greatness passed down

This birthright promise was passed down to Abraham’s son Isaac, then to Isaac’s son Jacob, and then to Jacob’s son Joseph.

Joseph had two sons while he was in Egypt, Ephraim and Manasseh. Just before Jacob died, he adopted these two grandchildren and made them part of his birthright promise (Genesis 48:13-16).

July Fourth fireworks above the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, celebrating America's blessings from sea to shining sea.Jacob also gave a prophecy about his two grandchildren. He said that Ephraim would be a great company of nations, and Manasseh would be a great single nation (Genesis 48:19). Jacob foretold that in the last days the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh would be a colonizing people (Genesis 49:1, 22). They would prevail in wars because God would be with them (verses 23-24). And they would also inherit great natural resources (verses 25-26).

Ancient Israel failed to receive the full birthright promise

God wanted to give ancient Israel national greatness. When He made the covenant with them in the wilderness, He told them they would become great if they obeyed Him.

We know that Israel did not obey God, and eventually 10 of the tribes, including Ephraim and Manasseh, went into captivity to the Assyrians in 721-718 B.C. From this point forward, they were scattered and seemed to disappear from the historical records.

What became of God’s promises to Abraham? Many Christians understand that the promise of salvation through Abraham’s Seed was fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:16). But what of the physical birthright promises? If we believe that God fulfills all His promises, we will look for a company of nations and a powerful single nation who have been blessed by God.

Where did the Israelites go?

Even though Israel was scattered, God said He would keep and preserve them (Amos 9:9). The Bible tells us in several passages including Isaiah 49:12 that the Israelites migrated northwest (of Jerusalem) and to the “isles afar off” (Jeremiah 31:10). Northwest of Jerusalem is the British Isles!

Is it just a coincidence that the word British resembles two Hebrew words “beriyth-iysh,” which mean “covenant man”? The Bible repeatedly refers to the covenant (agreement) God made with Israel (Exodus 19:5; Deuteronomy 4:13).

The Bible also says that God’s people would be known by Isaac’s name (Genesis 21:12). Americans and Britons are known as Anglo-Saxons. “Saxons” is simply a derivation of “Isaac’s sons.”

America and Britain become world powers

Before 1800, both America and Britain were regional powers. But shortly after 1800, both suddenly received many blessings. First Britain then the United States became world-leading superpowers.

In 1803 the United States acquired the Louisiana Purchase, which nearly doubled the size of the country. Britain’s empire suddenly spread around the globe, and the sun never set on her company of nations. At their peak, America and Britain came into possession of more than two-thirds of the world’s resources and wealth. These blessings fulfilled the biblical promises.

So what does it all mean?

There are many more biblical and historical clues that America and Britain are indeed the descendants of ancient Israel, and we plan to publish more on this in the future. This subject is important because many of the Bible’s end-time prophecies deal with the modern descendants of Israel, especially the coming “time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:4-7). It’s time to read our Bibles and see what God expects of us and what the future holds!

Tim GrovesFor more information about America’s roots with ancient Israel, read our blog post “America’s Growing Infidelity.” And to learn more about what God expects of us now and promises for the future, read our booklet The Mystery of the Kingdom.

Tim Groves is a member of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association. He and his wife, Teresa, along with their four children, live in South Carolina.