Young Adult Blog

Are You a Spiritual Carpenter?

Written by Gabriella Kroska

The Bible likens God’s people to a spiritual building. What can we learn by comparing our spiritual development to the construction of a house?

Choosing to build a house is a major decision and investment. Building a house takes not only time, but also money, intense planning and strong building materials. The Bible refers to Christians as “God’s building” (1 Corinthians 3:9). God is constructing His spiritual building, His temple, through His people (Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17). While the Church is not a literal building, what God is doing with us can be likened to the building of a house.

What lessons can we learn about our lives as Christians from the process of building a house?

  1. A blueprint is required. A carpenter would never begin laying the foundation of a house and building on it without a plan. A house built without a blueprint could have serious problems. Likewise, when working to build Christian character, we need to use a spiritual blueprint. God has given us His Word, the Bible, for that very purpose. This blueprint provides guidelines on how to live our lives according to God’s way (2 Timothy 3:16). We cannot build our lives based on our own will. Our spiritual house will only stand if it’s based on God’s will (Psalm 127:1).
  2. A strong foundation is important. Without a solid foundation, a house can, over time, begin to sink unevenly into the ground, which can cause floors and walls to crack. Likewise, our character needs to be built on a strong foundation. A parable found in Luke 6 speaks to this concept. One man built his house on a rock foundation, and one man built his house on a sandy foundation. When a storm came, only the house built on the solid foundation stood the test of time. (For a more in-depth discussion of this parable, see our article “Build on the Rock.”)

What is the strong foundation that we need to build our lives on? Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:20)! Jesus Christ was tempted in all points just as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). We look to His example to learn the way to live. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, and we can build our lives on His example.

  1. Be committed to finish. What benefit is there in a partially built house? Who wants to live in a house that doesn’t provide shelter from the weather or supply the basic utilities? When people set out to build a physical house, they must consider whether they have enough time and money to finish it. Similarly, Christians must be committed to faithfully living God’s way throughout their whole lives (Luke 14:28-29). Are we fully committed to living a godly life and building righteous spiritual character?

Building a house is a large commitment of time, money and resources. However, when it is done right, it can bring great joy and delight to its owner. Likewise, if we faithfully live God’s way of life, our future will be so great that we cannot even fully grasp it (Romans 8:18). 

What kind of house are you building? 

To learn more about the way to build your life, read our article “Narrow Is the Gate.”

Gabriella Kroska is currently a senior in high school taking dual-credit college courses at St. Cloud State University. She will graduate next year with her high school diploma and an Associate’s degree. She attends the Twin Cities, Minnesota congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association.