Young Adult Blog

Is Modesty a Big Deal These Days?

Written by Jodie Maczek

Clothes shopping in relation to modesty.Society’s view of clothing and fashion is based on much different values from the standards taught in the Bible. What does God say about modesty?

Few of us would disagree that a Christian should guard his or her speech and behavior, but how many people today think that modesty is worth guarding as well?

Every day we make choices about what we will eat, what we will watch on television and where we will go. Do we really think about the choices we make in regards to the clothing we buy and wear? I am sure the answer would be yes, we think about it. After all, we have to stay up with the latest fashions and, oh yes, there is that guy or girl at school we want to really impress.

The clothing we wear can say a lot about us as an individual. How we present ourselves can tell a person how old we might be, our personality, our economic status and even our character, all by what we choose to wear.

What God says about modesty

What do you think of when you hear the word modesty? There is a fine line Christian women and even men have to walk with regards to modesty. Choosing appropriate clothing that doesn’t draw attention to your body but is still attractive and not odd looking is tough.

What does God say about modesty?

In 1 Timothy 2:9 the apostle Paul wrote: “In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing.”

What? God says I can’t wear braids or gold or pearls? Actually, it doesn’t mean exactly that. If we break this scripture down and explore some of the words and what they mean, we will see more clearly what God says about modesty. Consider the following information from Barnes Notes:

  • In modest apparel: “The sense here is, that the apparel of females should be such as becomes them, or is appropriate to them. The word here used (kosmios), shows that there should be due attention that it may be truly neat, fit, decorous.”
  • Not with braided hair: “It is plaited with great care, and arranged in various forms, according to the prevailing fashion, and often ornamented with spangles or with silver wire or tissue interwoven. The sense here is that Christian females are not to imitate those of the world in their careful attention to the ornaments of the head. It cannot be supposed that the mere braiding of the hair is forbidden, but only that careful attention to the manner of doing it, and to the ornaments usually worn in it, which characterized worldly females.”
  • Or gold or pearls: “It is not to be supposed that all use of gold or pearls as articles of dress is here forbidden … the true line is passed when more is thought of this external adorning, than of the ornament of the heart. Any external decoration which occupies the mind more than the virtues of the heart, and which engrosses the time and attention more, we may be certain is wrong. The apparel should be such as not to attract attention.”

Note to the guys

Even though the scripture we have looked at refers to females, it has implications for the approach and attitude that men should have. Males can also excessively focus on their own outward appearance, which can lead them away from focusing on their relationship with God.

Consider also what the apostle John wrote: “For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world” (1 John 2:16).

The lust of the eyes refers to the gratification of the eyes. This world’s ideas of fashion provide many temptations for lustful thoughts, and men must control their eyes and their thoughts.

No matter who we are, giving excessive attention and indulgence to ourselves is wrong.

What it all means today

In today’s world there is pressure to act a certain way, to live a certain way and to dress a certain way—all of which can lead to an unbalanced life. The real challenge is to live God’s way. In God’s balanced Scriptures, He reveals to us girls a beautiful outline that guides us to what being modest is all about.

A Christian woman living in today’s world will be well dressed, not drawing attention to herself in tight or revealing clothing. She will not be wearing short dresses or skirts that show most of the legs and will not have parts of her undergarments on display for all to see. She will be well groomed and not dripping in excessive amounts of jewelry. It is one thing to be well dressed, and it is another thing to be a slave to fashion or peer pressure to look a certain way.

The focus should be on the inward and not the outward, as 1 Samuel 16:7 says: “But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.’”

Modesty is much more than the clothes we wear. It is about ensuring our focus is on God, not self. A Christian woman doesn’t put all her efforts on her outward looks; her mind and life is fixed on following God. So, yes, modesty is a big deal these days!

Jodie Maczek is a member of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, in Australia. She enjoys painting in oil, beach combing and snorkeling.

For more about modesty and personal appearance, see: