Young Adult Blog

Will He Find Faith?

Written by Josh Travers

Christ asked if He would find faith on the earth upon His return. The answer is yes and no. Our real focus should be: Will He really find faith in us?

This year, I was privileged to attend the Young Adult Leadership Weekend with its theme of “Will He Really Find Faith? Standing Strong in a Faithless World.” I was listening to Jim Franks’ seminar when I suddenly had an “AHA!” moment.

In Luke 18:8 Christ asked the question, “Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” In looking at the verse, Mr. Franks placed the verse in the actual context! Suddenly I realized something I never considered before: Christ’s question had a context! (I know—I’m slow on the uptake.)

Context matters

When placed into the intended context, Christ’s question assumes an added significance. Christ’s message doesn’t actually start in Luke 18:1, but in Luke 17:20, when Christ answers a question about the coming Kingdom and then proceeds to tell His disciples about His return. After talking about His return, Christ then seems to change topics and tells the parable of the unjust judge (Luke 18:1-8).

God tells us the purpose of the parable: “That men always ought to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1). The implication? When Christ returns a lack of prayer and loss of heart will be common.

The parable of the unjust judge shows us that, even with a cruel human being, persistence and constant entreaties can yield successful results. If an unjust, carnal human being will act after being asked with great persistence, then God will definitely act when we pray to Him and endure for His sake.

After the parable, Christ tells His disciples that He will avenge His chosen people when He returns, right before asking if He will find faith when He returns. Constant prayer and not losing heart are elements of having the faith necessary to stay true to Christ during the evil end times.

Answering Christ’s question

In a sense, Christ’s question is rhetorical. He knew that there would be some faithful on the earth, because He said that His Church would not die (Matthew 16:18). In another sense, the answer is very uncertain.

When Christ returns, will He find your faith on the earth? Nobody else’s faith will do. If Noah, Daniel and Job were not enough to bring one other person into the Kingdom, then nobody else will have enough faith to get you in (Ezekiel 14:14, 20). If you want to be in God’s Kingdom, it will have to be through your faith and relationship with God. And of course even that comes from God (Romans 10:17; Ephesians 2:8). We can pray to ask Him to help us grow in faith.

Christ gave us two important elements for faith in the parable. Do you pray always? Do you never lose heart? Christ’s return is coming very quickly, and there is not a better time to develop the necessary faith than now.

Christ is coming. Will He find faith in you?

To learn more about faith, read “What Is Faith?” and “How to Grow in Faith.”

Click here to watch videos from the 2016 Young Adult Leadership Weekend.