A Bible Prophecy Fulfilled in Georgia
Written by Joel Meeker
Some prophecies are sobering and frightening. All are encouraging in the end. Here is an ongoing prophecy that is most encouraging and reassuring. Part of it was fulfilled last week in Georgia.
This “News and Prophecy Blog” often discusses biblical prophecies concerning the destructive results of individuals and nations ignoring, opposing or even ridiculing God’s instructions. There is wonderfully good news at the end of the Bible’s prophetic timeline, but prior to that bright time, there are dark and troubling events prophesied to teach humanity certain crucial spiritual lessons.
An encouraging prophecy
But last week, I witnessed firsthand the ongoing fulfillment of a wonderfully encouraging and reassuring prophecy given by Jesus Christ. I just returned from a week working at a teen summer camp in northern Georgia sponsored by the Church of God, a Worldwide Association. You didn’t know there was a prophecy about summer camps in the Bible? Read on.
In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said, “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Hades is a Greek word meaning essentially the grave. So this statement was a prophetic promise that once Jesus founded His Church, it would never cease to exist; there would always be living faithful members of His spiritual Body.
This is an amazing and exciting thought: For nearly 2,000 years now, a spiritual baton has been passed in an unbroken chain from one generation of converted believers to another, under the Creator’s watchful care and protection.
More than a claim
This is not, however, to say that all those who claim to belong to that Church truly do. Jesus made clear during His earthly ministry that not all those who claimed to be His disciples actually were. He scolded some who claimed to be His followers but who actually denied Him by their behavior: “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46).
And in Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus clarified: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”
Even publicly preaching Christianity and performing miracles in His name are not proofs of belonging to the Church Christ founded.
From the beginning of the Church, there have been those who claim the name, but are not truly part of it. This is why there is so much confusion and so many contradicting teachings and practices in the world of “Christianity” today.
Still, we have Christ’s promise that His Church will always exist somewhere: a “little flock” (Luke 12:32) of faithful people specially drawn or called by God (John 6:44; 1 Corinthians 1:26). They will actively do the will of the Father and live in submission to His law. How encouraging that God will not allow that little Church of God to fail and die out!
The next generation
At camp last week, we observed earnest young people enjoying themselves in a variety of exciting camp activities: softball, basketball, riflery, archery, water sports, dance and even blogging. But, in addition to enjoying the boundless energy of youth, they were, through Christian Living classes and spiritually themed discussions, seeking to better understand the will of God, to build a personal relationship with Him and to learn how to live a truly Christian life.
We were witnessing the preparation of the next generation of the Church Christ built, those who will receive the Christian baton and carry it forward in years to come. We were witnessing a reassuring fulfillment of the prophecy of Matthew 16:18. So, in a way, there is a prophecy about summer camps in the Bible!
True Christians are part of the Church Jesus Christ built. They have studied the teachings of Jesus and know them well enough to distinguish the true Church from others. They know what the Father’s will is and live, with God’s gracious aid, in harmony with that will, which is described in detail in the Holy Bible and comprehensible for those who have eyes to see (Luke 10:23). If this is news to you, then it is vitally important that you learn in the Bible how to identify that Church and know without a doubt what the will of the Father is for you.
Visit our website regularly to learn more about these vital topics. Our booklets, blogs and answers to frequently asked questions will help you deepen and strengthen your understanding of God’s Word and help you identify the Church Jesus built. It will never die, and with God’s help you can be part of it.
Joel Meeker is a pastor and writer and taught a class on blogging at the recent Church camp in northern Georgia.