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Presented by James Capo - January 24, 2025
If the Bible is the inspired Word of God, which it claims to be, then it is the most important book in the world. We stake our lives on what we learn from its pages. But how do we know whether the Bible we have is accurate? And are there “lost books” of the Bible? How do we answer those who claim that the Bible is filled with translation errors, or that it’s just a book of myths, legends and platitudes made up by men?
Watch ›Presented by Nathan Willoughby - February 21, 2025
Presented by Scott Lord - December 20, 2024
Like infancy, childhood and being a teen, adulthood is a stage of life we all go through.
But what is adulthood? When does it begin? Is it developmental or chronological? What does the Bible say about adulthood?
Can you know when you have reached it?
Presented by Drew Tranquada - November 15, 2024
Good friendships are a wonderful and necessary part of life. Throughout our lives, we will encounter and develop friends from many different backgrounds. Some friendships will be with people who are called and in the Church—people of like mind. But more often than not, we will also have friends who are not in the Church and who may think very differently than we do. How do we balance those friendships and influences? How do we avoid living two lives? What should a Christian’s approach be regarding friends inside and outside of the Church?
Presented by David Jackson - September 20, 2024
Based on our culture, upbringing and the dynamics of the family unit we were raised in, we each likely have different concepts of male and female roles, especially within marriage. However, what does the Bible teach about the roles of men and women, both married and unmarried? What can all young adults understand about each other’s role as defined in Scripture?
Presented by Jon Pinelli - August 16, 2024
It is that moment in time when you come to a crossroads and need to make a decision. Do I go left, right or straight ahead? At these critical times in our lives, we need to ask, What is God’s will for me? While we know God is perfect and His will is perfect, how can you and I know what He wants us to do? We will explore this important subject on the next Friday Night Live.
Presented by Dennis Fultz - July 19, 2024
Benjamin Franklin once said that “in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” But there is another certainty—the pulls of this world! These pulls are not just silly concepts. They are the very things that can distract us from our spiritual journey. This reality is not new and will continue to escalate until Jesus Christ returns.
Presented by Mark Winner - June 21, 2024
In 2003 Under Armour began an enormously successful ad campaign titled “Protect This House.” The idea was to wear garments that protect the human body. God also teaches us that we are to protect something that is of tremendous value to Him and should be to us—our mind. In 2023 horror movies grossed $798 million in the U.S., and Americans spent $12.2 billion on Halloween. There is tremendous fascination today with the paranormal. Many hugely successful books and movies depict wizardry and dark magic. Most people don’t see any real harm in them. But is it possible most people today are being brainwashed by a spirit being that is more powerful than we are? Join us for another episode of Friday Night Live on June 21, when Mark Winner will take a look at what God teaches on the importance of protecting our mind.
Presented by Caleb Froedge - May 17, 2024
In a world of instant oatmeal, immediate communication and the opportunity for many essential needs to be met on demand, what is not to like about instant gratification? With a society that is training us to expect microwave results, is there any room for slow-roasted Crock-Pot rewards? Which is healthier? Instant gratification or delayed gratification? More important, what does the Bible teach us about this subject in regards to our training and godly development?
Presented by Chad Messerly - April 19, 2024
The world around us is constantly in a state of chaos. There is a greater amount of information, but increased confusion. There is an abundance of wealth, but growing poverty. There is a rise in hatred and constant alarm of violence. Where do these things come from? Have they always been there? How do we overcome them? Join Chad Messerly to discuss Satan’s weapons and tactics in our next Friday Night Live Bible study, titled “Satan’s Assault on Man.”
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