Presented by Caleb Froedge - July 21, 2023
In Matthew 6:33, we are told to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” How strongly do we see what we are told to seek? Is our vision of the Kingdom of God strong, clear and sharply focused, or is it a bit blurry, nearsighted or possibly even a vision with blind spots? In this study, we will look at strengthening our vision of the Kingdom of God.
We recommend you prepare for this study by listening to the five-minute Verse by Verse podcast episode titled “His Dominion Is an Everlasting Dominion (Daniel 7:14)” presented by Erik Jones. Click here to listen to the podcast.
Please join us live at 8 p.m. Eastern time on July 21 for Friday Night Live.
Presented by James Capo - June 16, 2023
A study by the Center for Science and Culture found that the No. 1 reason young people turn from faith in God is the evidence of science. But does science undermine belief in God, or does it give evidence of the greatness, power and wisdom of an awesome Creator God? In this study, we will look at not one, but four “big bangs” that science cannot explain and that point to the existence of God.
We recommend you prepare for this study beforehand by watching the five-minute video called Does God Exist? 4 New Arguments. Click here to watch this PragerU video.
Presented by David Jackson - May 19, 2023
Broken families exist in God’s Church for multiple reasons. But an important question for young adults to ask themselves is, “What would God have me to do?”
Presented by Dave Myers - April 21, 2023
Have you ever had a cup of coffee that was so weak it hardly tasted like coffee? Or a soft drink where so much ice had melted into it that it tasted pretty much like water? Is your life invaded by so many things that you feel like that–diluted? How about your spiritual life? Would you describe it as diluted? Or would you describe it as concentrated? Join Dave Myers for a live webcast to see how we might be able to shift our lives from diluted to concentrated!
Presented by Dave Myers - March 17, 2023
Truth is a hotly debated concept in the world today. Some would argue that truth is determined by popular opinion—in other words, by the ideas and values of the majority of the people in your cultural group. Others will say opinion has nothing to do with determining truth. So, what is truth? How do we define it? If there is such a thing, can we know what it is and how to find it? Join us for Friday Night Live to learn the answer to the question “What is truth?” and how to defend that truth.
Presented by Phil Sandilands - February 17, 2023
Have you ever wondered how the holidays typically celebrated today developed in ancient times? Are these holidays part of a pattern, related to each other in some way, or are they just singular events that grew out of antiquity? Let’s take a look at these days through the lens of paganism itself, and allow these days to tell us the story behind them and what they picture. In the end, we will be able to see why God told Israel, “Do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way” (Deuteronomy 12:30-31).
Presented by Mark Winner - January 20, 2023
God expects us to love Him and our fellow man. It is also clear that if we are to do it in the manner He wants us to, we need to understand more fully what is involved. This study shows the importance of an often overlooked and underappreciated aspect found in Scripture when it comes to this all-important topic.
Presented by Nathan Willoughby - December 16, 2022
Do you ever feel that you’re not being used in the Church as you feel you should? Maybe you feel you haven’t been given the chance, or you feel you’ve been excluded, or you feel your ideas or talents are overlooked because, well, you’re “young”? If you’re not careful, these thoughts can begin to make you feel a disconnect with the Church. Do you ever feel disconnected?
Presented by Joel Meeker - November 18, 2022
Recent research shows that seven homemade religious beliefs are held by most American young adults. Let’s compare these tenets of faith to the Bible.
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