Presented by Zach Smith - March 20, 2020
Sometimes young people in the Church have questions about God, the Bible, or beliefs and teachings of the Church that are left unasked. Perhaps they don’t want to look stupid for asking a simple question or don’t want to be misunderstood as challenging the teachings of the Church. On other occasions, maybe they just don’t want the answer because they like the one they’ve developed! Asking questions can be hard, but it’s vital for our growth. Answerable questions left unasked are missed opportunities for growth.
Presented by Dave Myers - February 21, 2020
A time warp is defined as “an imaginary distortion of space in relation to time whereby people or objects of one period can be moved to another.” Another definition reads, “An imaginary situation in which the past or future becomes the present.” In this Bible study for young adults we are going to transport a Church of God young adult from 1975 to see what he has to say about the Church of God today. Join Dave Myers for Friday Night Live on Friday, Feb. 21, to see what the past can tell us about our future.
Presented by Kevin Epps - January 17, 2020
God created everything that’s necessary to make a rainbow—sunlight, water droplets, eyesight and perfect atmospheric conditions. Man can never do this. But rainbows have become a sign of our modern times due to the efforts of the gay rights movement to hijack this symbol. Supporters of this movement also have some modern arguments—all of which are refuted by God’s Word.
Presented by Scott Lord - December 13, 2019
Leadership is for everyone. In fact, God has called us to lead. Join us as we explore God's leadership model.
Presented by Nathan Willoughby - November 25, 2019
In our lives we draw conclusions and make decisions every day based on what we perceive as reality. But are the things we think and conclude in our own minds actually reality? Satan has promoted deception for millennia, and many have fallen prey to things he desires us to perceive as reality. Satan knows that our minds are where our battles are won or lost. During this FNL, we will discuss the effects that can hinder our spiritual lives because of our own perception of reality. We will also consider practical ways to combat this type of thinking.
Presented by Gary Black - September 25, 2019
How can a good God allow evil and suffering to continue for so long? This question has caused many young people to stop believing in Him. Is it possible to understand a purpose behind suffering? And what part can you play in ending it?
Presented by Dave Myers - August 20, 2019
In 2 Corinthians the apostle Paul, quoting Isaiah, tells us to “come out from among them and be separate.” How are we as Christians supposed to come out from those in the world when we have to deal with them almost every day? What is it that we are to come out of? How can we be separate from the world while living in it? What philosophies and ideas are “unclean” and need to be removed? Join us for Friday Night Live for answers to these and other questions.
Presented by Ken Treybig - July 22, 2019
The book of Revelation is filled with mysterious figures and symbols. What do all those symbols mean, and what are the main theme and story flow of the book? How can we know the book is not just an allegory or symbolic, but is to be taken as literal end-time prophecy?
Presented by Mark Winner - July 5, 2019
Man’s idea of liberal may consist of what we hear in politics today. However, liberalism began long ago and is something much more frightening.
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