Presented by Clyde Kilough - December 16, 2016
Truly forgiving other people for past hurts they have inflicted on us—some of them deep and scarring wounds—is one of the toughest challenges a Christian may face. This study will address a number of the questions and spiritual concepts about this issue, such as: Why is forgiveness so hard for humans? What about concepts “forgive and forget” or “forgiving yourself”? Can humans forgive sin? What do you do when you find you just cannot forgive someone? Oh, and about that title . . . well, you’ll just have to tune in to see what that’s all about!
Presented by Andy Burnett - September 16, 2016
Psalm 133:1 states, “…how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” We tend to know it when we see it, but why is it sometimes extremely difficult to get along with certain people? Some chalk it up to personality differences while others cite character flaws as the culprit. We’ll examine God’s Word on these subjects while offering tools (e.g., discernment, understanding) on how to enhance our relationships with one another in the faith.
Presented by Dave Myers - September 12, 2016
Masculine, feminine, something in between? What’s missing in the current cultural debate over human sexuality? What defines male and female? What stand should a young Christian take with regard to gender, sexuality, and morality? Join Dave Myers on Friday evening, August 19, to learn what is the missing dimension in the current culture’s approach toward gender and sexuality. We’ll closely examine what the Creator states and then discuss the answers a Christian can give when asked about this topic.
Presented by Jim Franks - September 12, 2016
What do you know about prophecy? How does that understanding affect the way you live your life? Or does prophecy affect you at all? The Church of God, a Worldwide Association has a veryclearunderstanding of prophecy, but that doesn’t mean we have a perfect understanding of prophecy.
Presented by Mark Winner - May 20, 2016
When God calls us out of this world He calls us into the business of being a Christian leader. But what is it specifically that He’s looking for us to do? What are the thoughts and actions that are found in a true Christian leader? Join us on June 17th at 8pm eastern for a scriptural look into this very important subject.
Presented by Clyde Kilough - April 15, 2016
As we approach the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, a study of Joshua 5-7 is quite instructive. Not only did the events we read here transpire during this time of the year, more important, the spiritual lessons we can draw from this story are critically important, and as relevant now as they were over 3,000 years ago. What are your “Jerichos?” What are the “accursed things” that pose temptations and spiritual dangers to us today? Join Clyde Kilough for the April 15 Friday Night Live study as we dive into deeper into these events and lessons.
Presented by Scott Lord - April 15, 2016
In today’s politically correct world, judging is a social taboo. But Jesus Christ instructed His followers to “judge righteous judgment.” (John 7:24). How do we judge righteously? What about the warning that says “ Judge not, lest you be judged”. (Matt 7:1) How do we balance these seemingly contradictory statements? Join Scott Lord as we examine the Biblical instruction regarding judging.
Presented by Britton Taylor - April 15, 2016
This is a most requested topic for FNL. Children are a heritage and gift from God…they are a most prized possession. Tonight’s bible study will examine scripture to see what God teaches us on this important subject. Real life personal stories and anecdotes will bring to life the biblical teachings from God’s Word.
Presented by Dave Myers - April 15, 2016
Me? Teach my child about God and His way? How am I supposed to do that? While we parents know that God gives us the responsibility to teach our children the truth, actually doing it can be quite a challenge. We can easily feel lost and overwhelmed by this vital task.
A large portion of our young adults in the Church have young children at home and are looking for help in guiding these young lives—which is why the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, recently launched Encourage, Equip & Inspire, a Resource Manual for Parents and gave a free copy to hundreds of families at the 2015 Feast of Tabernacles. Several hundred more have downloaded the digital version.
What exactly is the parents’ manual? What are the principles that underlie it? How am I supposed to use it? What’s in it, and how is it organized? How do I get started? In this session we will answer these questions, as well as discuss the companion EEI website, upcoming additions to the manual, the Facebook community we’d like you to participate in, and picture/video additions. During this session, you will have the opportunity to interact with us via our live online polls.
Don’t have children at home right now? There are still many reasons to join us: You may one day have children; one day you may become responsible for children; you may wish to help and support friends who have young children; in the World Tomorrow your job will be to teach!
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