News & Prophecy Blog

An African Example of Answered Prayer

Written by Joel Meeker

I just visited a congregation of the Church of God in Lomé, Togo. This narrow country on the coast of West Africa is home to a number of longtime Church members, as well as members newer to the faith. A few years ago, through a combination of their own tithes and offerings and additional funds contributed by Church members in other countries, the members in Lomé acquired a plot of land and built a church hall on it. Some of the construction and finishing work was done voluntarily by the members. This hall serves as the venue for church services, Bible studies, leadership training seminars and other functions such as weddings and youth camps. The members really put their hearts into it and worked hard to make it beautiful. They also keep it clean to honor their Creator. 

Then unexpectedly, bad news came. The urban development plan for Lomé suddenly changed. The Church elder who oversaw the project, Mr. Fiaboé, had checked the existing plan before the property was purchased. The new road that was to be built was to have passed a safe distance away. But the new plan called for the street to go right through the middle of the building. I learned of this new plan while I was visiting them in March of 2010. Sadly, people in this region are used to such chaotic events that they are usually powerless to prevent. Many were discouraged and resigned to the bad news.

But I encouraged them not to give up without a spiritual fight. I reminded them that our God answers prayers, that this was His building and that He could save it for them. I reminded them of the promises in Isaiah 58 about prayer accompanied by fasting. When done properly, to humbly seek God’s will, the results of using these spiritual tools are striking. Isaiah 58:9 says that when we fast and pray as God would have us, “then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’”

We all agreed to set aside a day to fast and ask God to save the hall. A prayer request was also sent to Church members in other countries, and I know many prayers of intercession were offered.

The day came when the urban planning engineers came to the hall to explain what would happen and the time frame. They happened to come while the church was meeting and Mr. Fiaboé was present. To the great joy of our brethren there, the engineers explained that their plans had changed once again. Now the road and sidewalk would just clip one small corner of the church compound. The outside stairway leading to the roof would have to be reworked, but the hall and most of the compound itself would not be touched!

On my recent visit there, the stairway reconstruction was underway. And there is great joy in Lomé over God’s intervention to save their church hall. They asked me to pass along their thanks to those of you who added your prayers to ours to entreat God’s mercy.

The God who heard and answered their prayers is still on His throne, hearing the prayers of all of His faithful servants.  Are you facing a seemingly insoluble problem that threatens to crash through your world?  Maybe God is waiting for you to call so He can, in His own inimitable way, say, “Here I am.”