News & Prophecy Blog

Could the United States of America Be Bankrupt and Ungovernable by 2016?

Written by Joel Meeker

United States visible on a globeA European policy institute foresees a stark near-term future for the United States. Should you be concerned?

A European policy institute (think tank) has issued a startling analysis of the next five years. LEAP, the Laboratoire Européen d’Anticipation Politique, produces a periodical electronic publication called the GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin, which attempts to predict socio-political events with accuracy. In bulletin number 60, just published, the analysts announce their conclusion that the United States will be bankrupt and in governmental breakdown by 2016. They point to a number of troubling ongoing trends:

  • The U.S. exerting little leadership and facing increasing isolation on the global stage.
  • Continual overall weakening of the housing and stock markets.
  • Indicators of rising poverty levels and societal unrest, such as the “occupy” movements.

And they predict several outcomes:

  • U.S. institutional deadlock and the breakup of the traditional two-party political system.
  • An unstoppable spiral of recession/depression/inflation.
  • The breakdown of the U.S. socio-political fabric, including over the 2012 presidential election.

Biblical déjà vu

This analysis and these forecasts come from a completely secular organization, unacquainted with Bible prophecy. Yet their conclusions are strikingly similar to punishments God said He would visit on a rebellious people.

Just before the ancient nation of Israel entered the Promised Land, God’s servant Moses pronounced a striking prophecy of blessings and curses, recorded in Deuteronomy 27-28. If the nation were obedient to God’s instructions, they would receive bountiful blessings. If (and when) they rejected God by rejecting His law, calamitous curses would fall on them.

Some of the curses for disobedience included:

  • Inferiority to national enemies, and hatred and domination by them.
  • Military failure.
  • Economic destruction and poverty.
  • The destruction of a cohesive society.

Blessed nations

The English-speaking nations of the world have benefitted from God’s blessings for generations. He has granted us magnificent lands in which to live, prosperity and powerful political, economic and military influence in the world.

Many of the blessings we have enjoyed mirror what God promised ancient Israel. We have done nothing to deserve these blessings. At the same time, the laws of the Holy Bible, though imperfectly practiced, were the foundations of our culture and a blessing that helped make these nations strong.

The cause of curses

Increasingly now, the nations issued from the British Empire, along with the United States, are rejecting Christianity and the commandments of God. We seem collectively embarrassed by them, though we don’t seem much ashamed of trampling that law: lies, theft, dishonoring our parents, sexual amorality (hey, this is the modern world, everybody does it, right? Who are you to judge me?).

But God has not changed. Old principles still apply, whether we believe it or not. Galatians 6:7 states bluntly: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”

Our nations are sowing away day after day. And LEAP thinks it sees what would be a well-deserved harvest headed toward the United States.

But whether these analysts get their precise predictions right or not, we will one day soon reap what we collectively sow. It’s a pity the seed is getting worse by the day.

To read more about how our national behavior is angering God, read “Why Is God Angry With America?

The Mystery of the Kingdom booklet coverTo learn about the bright future God has in store for us once humanity has learned its lesson, read The Mystery of the Kingdom.

Joel Meeker is regional director for the francophone areas on behalf of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association.