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Is God Pleased With the Death of Osama bin Laden?

Written by David Treybig

Celebrations erupted as the death of al-Qaeda’s leader was announced. President Obama said, “Justice has been done.” How does the God of justice—and mercy—look at the deaths of terrorists and other wicked people?

It’s stunning news. Last night at 11:35 p.m. in Washington, D.C., U.S. President Barack Obama announced: “I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children.”World Trade Center towers burning after al-Qaeda's 9-11 terrorist attacks

Continuing Obama said, “For over two decades, Bin Laden has been al-Qaeda’s leader and symbol, and has continued to plot attacks against our country and our friends and allies. The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al-Qaeda.”

As No. 1 on the FBI’s “most wanted” terrorist list for orchestrating the deaths of over 200 people in attacks on American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya on Aug. 7, 1998, and the presumed mastermind responsible for the deaths of 3,000 people in the attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001, many Americans are relieved that bin Laden is dead. Some of those who lost family members and friends in these terrorist acts noted that even though it took a long time, eventually justice prevailed.  

“Justice has been done”

Echoing those sentiments, Obama declared, “Justice has been done.” Numerous leaders, ranging from former U.S. Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton to politicians to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, all concurred with Obama’s assessment that this was a responsible act to counter international terrorism.

After the towers fell, Ground Zero photo by a U.S. Navy photographerWhile many are cheering the result and others are dwelling on the details of the helicopter attack on the compound in Abbottabad—35 miles north of Islamabad in Pakistan—where bin Laden was hiding, German Chancellor Angela Merkel brought religion into the discussion saying, “Terror was brought to many countries on his direct orders and in his name, against men, women and children, Christians and Muslims. Osama Bin Laden claimed to be acting in the name of Islam, but in reality he made a mockery of the basic values of his and all other religions.”

Taking the religious perspective a step further, let me ask a question: Is God pleased with the death of Osama bin Laden? Knowing that God is both a God of justice and a God of love and forgiveness makes the answer a bit complicated.

No murder

First, God does not like for His children to callously take the lives of others. It is sandbox rule No. 1—be nice to each other—only on a much larger scale.

As God put it, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). Unfortunately, humans don’t always follow rules, and governments have the responsibility of protecting their citizens from such heinous acts and prosecuting those who commit them. Reflecting this concept, Paul spoke of “governing authorities” serving as “God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil” (Romans 13:1, 4, emphasis added).

No gloating

After the tragic attack on America on Sept. 11, 2001, the Associated Press reported “large crowds of Palestinians in Nablus and Ramallah joyfully celebrating the deadly 9/11 terrorist attacks against Americans.” These actions were burned into the memories of many. Yet as word spread that bin Laden had been killed, a crowd began gathering at the White House and chanting “USA, USA, USA.” Celebrations erupted in Lafayette Square, the park outside the presidential quarters.

Is it just tit for tat? Your side cheers when you win; our side cheers when we win? Some realize that any American euphoria may be short-lived if al-Qaeda seeks revenge. Here we would do well to consider and emulate God’s perspective.

While God clearly authorized the death penalty for those who take the lives of others (Genesis 9:6), He didn’t intend for humans to celebrate such punishments. As He explained through the prophet Ezekiel, “‘AsI live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live’” (Ezekiel 33:11).   

As the news of bin Laden’s death spreads around the Western world, we’d do well to imitate God’s practice of not gloating. While al-Qaeda has clearly been weakened by the loss of its leader, enmity and hatred remain. The result can only be more terrorism in the days ahead. Wiser heads recognize this reality. For a refreshing look at how peace will finally come to this troubled world, read The Mystery of the Kingdom.David Treybig

David Treybig pastors the St. Petersburg, Florida, congregation and serves as the Web Content Manager for the Church of God, a Worldwide Association.