News & Prophecy Blog

Is the Monster Really Gone?

Written by Tim Groves

Does the death of Osama bin Laden mark the end of terrorism?

Shortly after the death of Osama bin Laden, a news commentator stated that “it’s good that this monster is gone.” Yes, an evil terrorist has been removed. But is the monster gone for good?No terrorism sign with bullet holes

Bin Laden is not the first monster. History is filled with individuals who have done hideous acts against their fellow humans. There have been monsters like Hitler, Mussolini and Saddam Hussein, to name a few recent ones.

But what made these people do the evil things that they did? Was it solely by their own inherent evil, or were they perhaps influenced by another source?

The real monster

People like bin Laden have been influenced by a very evil spirit being, Satan the devil. Satan is the real monster seeking to destroy humanity.

Ironically, it is through humans that Satan accomplishes his will. Satan influences them to dislike certain groups of people. Then Satan influences someone else to dislike another group of people, and so on. Satan now has humans killing humans, fulfilling his will!

That’s what happens when people allow Satan to influence them. When people reject Satan’s influence, he cannot control them (James 4:7).

How the real monster works

Satan broadcasts his thoughts and ideas like a radio station broadcasts its music. All of us, in one way or another, are tuned in to his wavelength. Many of us don’t act upon all of his ideas. But some pick up on Satan’s wavelength very well, and carry out his evil ideas.

Even more incredible is that Satan is a great deceiver! Again, the Bible says he has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9). Have you ever noticed that many of the mass murderers, like bin Laden, have done their deeds in the name of religion? This great deceiver, Satan the devil, has conned individuals into believing that they are serving God, not Satan.

What made Satan the monster he is?

So why is Satan so evil, and why does he hate humans?

Satan has not always been an evil monster. God created him perfect. He was known as Lucifer, which means “light bringer.” Lucifer was a high-ranking angel who was constantly in the presence of God. He was also beautiful and very intelligent (Ezekiel 28:12-15).

But Lucifer became great in his own eyes, and he didn’t want to serve God. Nor did he want to serve people, who would one day be over him. No, Lucifer wanted to be God! He convinced a third of the angels to follow him. Then he performed his first act of terrorism—violently trying to kick God off His throne (Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:16).

Lucifer was thrown out of heaven and cast back to the earth (Luke 10:18). God then changed his name to Satan, which means “adversary.” From then until now, Satan has hated God and everything God wants to accomplish. And since God has an incredible future planned for humans, Satan wants to destroy them.

Another monster on the horizon?

Bin Laden was an instrument in Satan’s hands, just like many others throughout history. And his death will not be the end of monsters, since the real monster—Satan the devil—is still around.

Bible prophecy foretells another monster that will be a puppet in Satan’s hands. This individual will even claim that he is God! Satan will perform miracles through this individual, and people will worship him (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 9). Most won’t realize that this is Satan’s puppet since he will appear as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

But the results of this evil man of sin will be the death of millions of people—just what Satan wants.

When will the real monster be gone?

God has allowed Satan to reign on earth and to influence mankind. But Satan’s reign is coming to an end, and he knows it.

Satan will once again try to overthrow God. And once again, he will be thrown back to the earth. Satan will be very angry and will try to destroy God’s people (Revelation 12:7-9, 13, 17).

But the good news is that Satan won’t succeed. At the appointed time God will permanently remove Satan. He will have failed in all his efforts to overthrow God and to stop the incredible future of mankind.

Yes, ultimately every single human will have his or her chance to be in the Kingdom of God. And in that Kingdom all monsters will really be gone!

To learn more about Satan, see our Fundamental Beliefs #2 “The Angelic Realm and Satan.” And to learn more about the Kingdom of God, be sure to read our e-book The Mystery of the Kingdom.

Tim Groves is a member of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association. He and his wife, Teresa, along with their four children, live in South Carolina.