News & Prophecy Blog

Japan’s Triple Disaster: Where Can We Find Hope?

Written by Mike Bennett

Earthquakes, a tsunami and a nuclear crisis have hit Japan. This crescendo of destruction adds to the wave of revolts and disasters that seem to be sweeping around the world. Where can we find hope in this seemingly hopeless world?

Untold thousands are missing, many presumed killed by the 8.9-magnitude earthquake and the resultant tsunami that hit the east coast of Japan March 11. Entire neighborhoods were washed away, and it will be some time before the real death toll can be discovered.

The Voice of America reported, “Friday’s earthquake had a magnitude of 8.9, making it the most powerful ever recorded in Japan and the fifth strongest since 1900.”

And it’s not over yet. In the first three days after the big quake, Honshu island suffered hundreds of aftershocks, some of them major. Experts predict more earthquakes will rock the area for weeks to come.

With roads destroyed or covered by mudslides, it has been very difficult for rescuers to get food, water and supplies to all the affected areas.

The nuclear threat

Then there are the damaged nuclear reactors. With several reactors in partial meltdown, will the heroic efforts to cool the fuel rods be able to contain the meltdowns and minimize the release of dreaded radiation?

In the country where Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by atomic bombs at the end of World War II, the fear of atomic radiation strikes deep into the Japanese psyche.

While these valiant efforts continue, so does the search for survivors. The government has sent 100,000 troops into the area, assisted by search-and-rescue teams from around the world. But as time passes, the hopes of finding people alive in the rubble diminishes.

Holding on to hope

In the midst of all the hopelessness and despair, there are stories of hope.

A 60-year-old Japanese man was rescued two days after he was swept 9 miles out to sea on the roof of his house! MSNBC reported that Hiromitsu Shinkawa was conscious and in “good condition” when he was picked up by the crew of a Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer.

“‘I ran away after learning that the tsunami was coming,’ Shinkawa told rescuers, AFP said, citing Jiji Press. ‘But I turned back to pick up something at home, when I was washed away. I was rescued while I was hanging to the roof from my house.’”

Is there hope for this hopeless world?

Sometimes it seems our whole world is adrift, holding on for dear life to our “roof.” Is there a rescuer on the way to save us from destruction?

The Bible describes a time of not only increased earthquakes and natural disasters, but of war and unrest (Matthew 24:6-7). It warns of humanity developing weapons and technologies that threaten human survival. It portrays a time of fear and hopelessness much like the world we see around us today.

But thankfully, the Bible also contains good news—the news that rescue is on the way.

“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:21-22).

The problems of today defy human solution. But the Bible tells us there is hope—our only hope. That hope is in Jesus Christ’s literal return to this earth. The apostle Paul encourages us to live godly lives, “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13). Savior describes Jesus well—He gave His life to make it possible for us to be saved spiritually, and He is coming back to save this world from total destruction. He is our Savior and our real hope!

Sharing hope

But what about now? In the short term, you can help give hope by praying for the victims and donating to disaster relief organizations such as the Red Cross.

In the longer term, the only real hope comes from our Savior—this time coming to save humanity from self-destruction. By setting up the Kingdom of God and teaching all nations the way of peace and God’s way of life, everyone will be able to choose and live the way that leads to blessings. No more will people and nations choose the way that leads to war and other curses.

Please pray with us for the victims of the disaster in Japan. And please help us spread this message of hope and fervently pray, “Your kingdom come!” (Matthew 6:10).