Making Sense of Libya and Gadhafi
Written by Greg Sargent
Recent attacks against Libya have left many wondering why such an attack was necessary. Major news sources report that the coalition of European, Arab and U.S. forces intervened to protect citizens of Libya against Muammar Gadhafi’s retaliation against rebel forces. But such action doesn’t seem consistent with what normally occurs. More often in recent history, there has not been intervention to protect a nation’s citizens against brutal government actions.
What else is happening behind the scenes? In light of Bible prophecy, can we understand why there has been such a unified effort to not just protect citizens, but also to seemingly remove the Gadhafi regime?
The Middle East in end-time prophecy
God predicted long ago that the Middle East would play an important part in end-time events leading to the return of Jesus Christ. In response to His disciples’ questions concerning His return to restore God’s government on earth, Jesus stated that earthquakes, famines and religious persecutions would occur and intensify, but would not be the final signs of His imminent return.
He then told His future readers when He was about to return: “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know its desolation is near. … For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. … And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (Luke 21:20-24). Gentiles are simply people other than Israelites.
Since the specific events surrounding Psalm 83 are unknown, some scholars feel the Psalm should be seen as prophetic. In this Psalm the enemies of Israel will counsel together to “cut [Israel] off from being a nation” and a confederacy of nations will seek to destroy Israel (Psalm 83:3-8). If this psalm is an end-time prophecy, the Arab world will need to be unified in order to fulfill these prophecies.
Where does Libya fit?
Now let’s consider where Libya and Gadhafi fit in this scenario.
Muammar Gadhafi has for years been a rival for power in the Arab world, believing himself to be the successor to former Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. The Arab world has soundly rejected him. Gadhafi has not hesitated to use violence when insulted. Therefore, for over 25 years Gadhafi has used terrorism, often through proxy organizations, to assert himself.
The La Belle disco bombing of U.S. soldiers in Berlin, the explosion of Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland that killed all aboard, and the UTA Flight 772 explosion en route to Paris are examples of Gadhafi’s resentment and revenge.
Based on past Arab rejection and recent U.S. and European military operations against his regime, there is little doubt Gadhafi will intervene to cut off energy resources to France and the United Kingdom plus step up terrorist activities against all members of the coalition. As long as Gadhafi is in power, the world can expect more terrorist activity and even countries being targeted by this ruthless ruler.
The toppling of his government, and his replacement by a leader who will ally himself with the rest of the Arab world, is quite probable. Whatever happens, watch for a more united front of the Arab world against the nation of Israel. The Bible also talks about a struggle between the king of the North and the king of the South (see our blog “What Next for Egypt?”). As the Bible predicts, Israel will be taken captive. We are witnessing events not unlike the movement of chess pieces. We just don’t know how long before the inevitable checkmate surprises the world at large.
What should we do?
But knowledge of biblical prophecies is of no use unless it changes our lives. Jesus answered His disciples’ questions about the end time. However, He also realized that His end-time disciples would need to be admonished lest they completely miss the point of God’s revelation. The prophesied events at the close of this age will be like the days of Noah when the Flood suddenly came upon that society as they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage—living a normal life as if a calamity was not about to strike. But it did (Matthew 24:38-39).
Christ therefore closed with the following admonition of which we all need to note: “Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day [of Christ’s return] come on you unexpectedly” (Luke 21:34). If that doesn’t make sense, I’m not sure what does. Stay alert, and keep reading these blogs, as we bring you news as it relates to biblical prophecy—and your life.