News & Prophecy Blog

What Can We Expect in the New Year?

Written by Mike Bennett

2012 graphicWill the world end in 2012? What does the future hold in light of end-time Bible prophecy?

Many have commented on the ancient Mayan calendar that appears to run out at the end of 2012. This and other factors have led some to worry that the world is going to end during the new year.

But our Creator God said He would reveal the future to His prophets (Amos 3:7), not the ancient Mayans. What do the prophecies of the Holy Bible say?

Why the world won’t end in 2012

The Bible lists a number of things that must happen before the end of this evil age of man. It also gives some specific times that must expire before Jesus Christ returns to rescue humanity from self-destruction. One specific time frame that is mentioned several times in Scripture is 3½ years—also called 42 months; 1,260 days; and a time, times and half a time (Revelation 11:2-3; 12:14). This is the time of Great Tribulation, and we can definitively say we have not entered that time yet.

We addressed this issue recently when covering another prediction: “Will Jesus Christ Return May 21, 2011?” (Obviously, you can tell what our answer was!)

It’s also important to realize what it means when the Bible talks about the end of the age. See “Why the ‘End of the World’ Is Good News!

Bible prophecies make it clear the world won’t end in 2012.

What will happen in 2012?

The Bible does not give specific prophecies that we can pin to the year 2012. But it does give us the vast panorama so we can see where we are in the march of prophesied events. And it tells us what we should be doing now, and throughout 2012, to prepare for Jesus Christ’s return and the wonderful Kingdom of God that will soon replace this troubled age.

The ongoing trends Jesus predicted, and that John described in what have become known as the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, will continue. In Matthew 24:4-8 Jesus describes the “beginning of sorrows” that leads up to the time of Great Tribulation. These include the false religion, war, famine and disease epidemics so graphically portrayed by the apostle John in Revelation 6 as the four horsemen.

All four of these terrible scourges will continue and grow in intensity as we near the time of the end. It is very likely that all four will wreak havoc in various parts of the globe in 2012.

Jesus also said that the message of good news about His second coming to set up the Kingdom of God will be preached in all the world (Matthew 24:14). That prophecy will continue to be fulfilled in 2012.

Jesus also told us to watch and pray (Luke 21:36). In addition to watching our own spiritual condition, we should continue to watch world events as they fulfill specific prophecies. This News and Prophecy Blog will continue to cover relevant events and trends, especially in the Middle East, Europe and the English-speaking countries of the world. For an overview of events to watch in 2012, see “End-Time Prophecy Jigsaw: The Pieces Are Falling Into Place!

And though we do not know the day or the hour (Matthew 24:36), we can be sure that Jesus Christ’s return will be one year nearer at the end of 2012. The apostle Paul encouraged us, “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11).

What should we do now?

Prophecy is given to warn us to repent—individually and collectively—of the sins that are the cause of this world’s troubles. Prophecy is given to encourage us to endure to the end. It is given to motivate us to proclaim the good news of the coming Kingdom of God with more urgency and zeal.

Take time now to read more about what God wants us to do in these concise biblical studies of what we need to know and do:

Mike Bennett coordinates the blogs. He and his wife, Becky, attend the Cincinnati/Dayton, Ohio, congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association.