Given by Mike McTiernan
March 22, 2025
In II Corinthians 7, Paul provides an example of Godly repentance as displayed by the brethren in Corinth. This message will cover 7 elements of Godly repentance that will help us as we examine ourselves prior to Passover, and throughout the year.
Given by Michael Lindenberg
March 22, 2025
Four points to renewing or making Baptism commitments. Youth Day Sermon.
Given by Zach Smith
March 22, 2025
We could not be parties to the new covenant without the essential work of a mediator. What is a mediator, why do we need one, and what makes Christ uniquely perfect for the role?
Given by Justin Adkins
March 22, 2025
With Passover right around the corner, now is the time to be thinking about it, to be thinking about what Jesus Christ has done for us. Don't take it lightly. This is not a check-the-box exercise. We need to be prepared, we need to be among those with zeal. Go before God and earnestly ask Him to give you what...
Given by Chris Moen
March 22, 2025
This sermon looks at four pre-Passover perspectives. We consider a time to reflect on the meaning of the ceremony, how humility is key in preparation, the exercise of searching out our personal weaknesses, and the practice of judging ourselves in view of Christ's perfect character. This message is about annually renewing the covenant we made at baptism.
Given by Tom Clark
March 22, 2025
Self-righteousness can affect all people, regardless of personality. It simply wears different masks on different people.
Given by Tom Clark
March 22, 2025
Bible study covering Revelation 2, the Church of Ephesus and how vital it is that we not lose our first love as the Ephesians had.
Given by Caleb Froedge
March 22, 2025
With the forgiveness of sin, spiritual healing is made possible. This sermon looks at the inseparable link between Christ's sacrifice and our physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Given by Tom Schultz
March 22, 2025
This is part two of Israel's time in Egypt, where we see the Egyptian historical records line up with the words of the Bible, which led to the first Passover and the Exodus.
Given by Tim Groves
March 22, 2025
As Passover approaches, it is important we review the price of redemption.
Given by Doug Horchak
March 20, 2025
Marriage and family are changing in today’s world. Satan is trying to deconstruct the traditional family to keep people from understanding God’s great plan. We need to be grounded in our understanding of God’s design and plan for man, marriage, family and children. God is building His spiritual family.
Given by David Register
March 18, 2025
Who was responsible for Christ’s death? Was it the Jews, the Romans, or Judas, with his kiss of betrayal? The answer may surprise you.
Given by Chris Moen
March 15, 2025
A Biblical principle on forgiveness that comes into particular focus as we near Passover each year. We explore the parable of the king who cancelled a large debt owed him (Matthew 18:23). The keynote verse is "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" (Matthew 6:14).
Given by Larry Neff
March 15, 2025
Peter had the makings of a great leader but needed to be humbled and converted. He was brought very low when he denied Christ three times and learned his dependence on God and Christ. His attitude became one of a very humble and converted individual but he was deeply depressed because of the denials. Christ restored him with three questions...
Given by Randal Salyer
March 15, 2025
A walk through John 1 in anticipation of the upcoming Passover.