
1:04:29 About Hypocrisy

About Hypocrisy

Given by Ralph Levy

Hypocrisy abounds in our culture today, and it often shatters the trust people have in their leaders, both religious and political. But what does the Bible say about this topic? How is hypocrisy defined? And will it ever be completely eradicated?

1:00:56 Facing the Wilderness

Facing the Wilderness

Given by Dave Myers

The wilderness is often thought of as hard, perilous, lonely and dangerous. But is there a better way to look at the spiritual wilderness God asks us to traverse?

1:05:59 The Need to Know

The Need to Know

Given by Doug Horchak

God reveals much truth and understanding to His people. Yet there are elements of prophecy and events in the future that we are not aware of. Our Heavenly Father gives understanding to His people—both as individuals and as the Church—on a “need to know” basis, and we can trust He will do just that!

1:02:42 Judging With Righteous Judgment

Judging With Righteous Judgment

Given by Clyde Kilough

The Bible never says that Christians are not to judge, but Jesus made it very clear that we are to “judge with righteous judgment.” But what exactly does righteous judgment look like, and why is this so important to our spiritual maturity?

59:24 Is God Fair?

Is God Fair?

Given by David Johnson

We often fail to consider the principles behind God’s laws. For example, why does sin always produce a death penalty? Is God being fair to require people to live by His laws, or is He being arbitrary?

57:33 A Matter of the Heart

A Matter of the Heart

Given by Ralph Levy

The Bible often refers to our hearts as the seat of our intent, which governs our life as Christians. What does this mean? And how should we Christians maintain a right heart before God?

45:43 Lessons From the Day of Atonement

Lessons From the Day of Atonement

Given by Doug Horchak

The Day of Atonement brings many lessons. In this message we discuss three takeaways: 1) understanding the influence of Satan, 2) realizing this world is truly held captive and 3) recognizing the importance of analyzing ourselves.

1:04:27 Being a Light in a Dark World

Being a Light in a Dark World

Given by Jim Franks

Members around the world have a story to tell about their lives and how God called them. It is inspiring to hear these stories and see how the life and example of one person can affect the lives of so many others. Paul wrote to the Philippians and encouraged them to “shine as lights in the world.”

1:06:27 The Chosen and the Choosers, the Choices and the Consequences

The Chosen and the Choosers, the Choices and the Consequences

Given by Clyde Kilough

The Bible talks about the “chosen people.” What exactly does that mean? How is one to think about that? How should that affect one’s life?