Friday Night Live

How Do You Know?

Presented by Mark Winner - December 15, 2023

When you look at a football player in his uniform, you know he’s a football player. When you see a welder in his or her gear, you know that person is a welder. But what about a godly young person? What are godly young people supposed to look like? Can you really tell? How do you know? Is this something that only requires looking on the outside? Does it matter in the eyes of God? How about you—does it really matter what a godly young person looks like? Join us on Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. Eastern time for our next Friday Night Live as we ask and answer the question, How do you know what a godly young person is supposed to look like?


Working Through the Struggles of Mental Health

Presented by Chad Messerly - November 17, 2023

The age we live in and the condition of the world around us can open the door to anxiety, depression and a whole host of feelings of uncertainty. We can feel trapped by situations of the past or held captive by an uncertain future. Does the Bible speak on this subject? What are we to do? How do we move forward? Join Chad Messerly for our next Friday Night Live Bible study, titled “Working Through the Struggles of Mental Health.”


Why Young People Have Trials

Presented by Scott Lord - October 20, 2023

Throughout human history, mankind has asked the question, “Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?”

In a famous letter a boy named Peter asked God why He let his brother Tommy die. You may have asked a similar question. You may have wondered if there is a purpose for suffering. 

Join us on our next Friday Night Live when we will discuss the question, “Why do young people have trials?”


Your Road to Baptism

Presented by Daniel Harper - September 8, 2023

What will be your road to baptism? Young people who grow up in God’s Church may look at baptism in a different way from those who came out of the ways of the world. Has this, among other things, made your road to baptism seem unclear? If you are wondering, “Am I ready for baptism?”—or if you have been contemplating baptism but don’t feel ready—this Bible study is for you. 


Concerns of Second-, Third- and Fourth-Generation Christians

Presented by Dennis Fultz - August 18, 2023

The apostle Paul warned, “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10). In this study, we will discuss concerns of second-, third- and fourth-generation Christians, such as: “Do I love God’s truth?” and “What does it mean to have zeal for God’s truth?” We will finish by discussing the question “Am I ready to take the mantle of leadership in the Church that is soon to be handed to me?”

We recommend you prepare for this study by reading the Life Hope & Truth article “The Love of the Truth,” written by Mike Bennett. 


Strengthening Our Vision of the Kingdom of God

Presented by Caleb Froedge - July 21, 2023

In Matthew 6:33, we are told to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”  How strongly do we see what we are told to seek? Is our vision of the Kingdom of God strong, clear and sharply focused, or is it a bit blurry, nearsighted or possibly even a vision with blind spots? In this study, we will look at strengthening our vision of the Kingdom of God.

We recommend you prepare for this study by listening to the five-minute Verse by Verse podcast episode titled “His Dominion Is an Everlasting Dominion (Daniel 7:14)” presented by Erik Jones. Click here to listen to the podcast.  

Please join us live at 8 p.m. Eastern time on July 21 for Friday Night Live. 


Does Science Undermine Faith? A Look at the Four Big Bangs!

Presented by James Capo - June 16, 2023

A study by the Center for Science and Culture found that the No. 1 reason young people turn from faith in God is the evidence of science. But does science undermine belief in God, or does it give evidence of the greatness, power and wisdom of an awesome Creator God? In this study, we will look at not one, but four “big bangs” that science cannot explain and that point to the existence of God.

We recommend you prepare for this study beforehand by watching the five-minute video called Does God Exist? 4 New Arguments. Click here to watch this PragerU video.


Broken Parent, Broken Family: What Would God Have Me to Do?

Presented by David Jackson - May 19, 2023

 Broken families exist in God’s Church for multiple reasons. But an important question for young adults to ask themselves is, “What would God have me to do?”


Concentrated or Diluted?

Presented by Dave Myers - April 21, 2023

Have you ever had a cup of coffee that was so weak it hardly tasted like coffee? Or a soft drink where so much ice had melted into it that it tasted pretty much like water? Is your life invaded by so many things that you feel like that–diluted? How about your spiritual life? Would you describe it as diluted? Or would you describe it as concentrated? Join Dave Myers for a live webcast to see how we might be able to shift our lives from diluted to concentrated!


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