Godly Women Blog

20 Things I Most Admire and Appreciate About God, My Father

Written by Karen Meeker

God our Father's creation, reflected in this photo of a rainbow and a lake.My father died decades ago, and I still miss him. But on Father’s Day I’m very grateful for my Heavenly Father and His continuing love.

As a young girl, I loved the feel of my father’s hands stroking my head when I was down and discouraged. I loved the twinkle in his eye when mischief was afoot. And I grew up secure in the knowledge that he loved me and would take care of me.

Now I’m thankful I will always have my Heavenly Father; and here are some of the awesome things I love, respect and admire about Him.

1. Everything He does, He does perfectly.

2. He cannot lie.

3. He doesn’t bring up my mistakes when I show Him that I’m truly sorry.

4. He doesn’t play favorites.

5. Nothing He does is boring.

6. He is the consummate one-on-one Teacher—patient, persistent, inspiring and kind.

7. He is never too busy to listen.

8. He never forgets to keep His promises.

9. He explains exactly what He expects of me and even sent His Son to set the example.

10. He can fix anything!

11. He always plans ahead, and nothing takes Him by surprise.

12. He never has to ask for directions.

13. He loves to give, and He expects me to share.

14. He created things to last that need to last.

15. Nothing is too hard for Him. He can work miracles—literally!

16. He is always right on time.

17. He will use tough love if He has to.

18. He offered to include me in His very own family!

19. He pushes me to become the best that I can be, and then He makes up the difference.

20. And—He will always, ALWAYS love me!

Karen Meeker and her husband, George, will celebrate their 52nd wedding anniversary this year.

For more about God’s greatness, see the Who Is God? section of our new website LifeHopeandTruth.com.