Bonnie’s Story
Written by Chant’a Collier
Our friends can teach us so much. As I think about the severe trial Bonnie is facing, I remember important things she has taught me as well.
Wednesday was a very difficult day for me. At the end of my workday I went home, ate dinner, cried to God and went to sleep.
Earlier in the day, I had received news that my friend Bonnie was not doing very well. Each piece of news I received was worse than before.
After finding out which hospital she was in, I spoke to her and got detailed information on her health problems. Bonnie has an aggressive stage IV cancer. I know that God can intervene and heal her completely, according to His will for her. I don’t know how or when He will heal, but I know that through this trial both Bonnie and those who love her will be perfected.
Bonnie is a called-out one and was raised in the Church of God. I met Bonnie a few years ago, but it wasn’t until 2010 that I got the chance to really add Bonnie to my family and to learn some powerful lessons from her.
Seek after knowledge
Bonnie lost her job about 2½ years ago and, through her experience, became a source of encouragement when my husband was laid off from a job that he had for over five years. His efforts to find another job have not been successful; so when he gets discouraged, I remind him of Bonnie’s words: “There will never be another time like this to draw closer to God.”
Bonnie is right! My husband fills his days with an intense focus on job searching and on God. He has more time right now to pray, read, study and listen to sermons during the day.
Proverbs 2:3-6 tells us, “Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of LORD, and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
Let not your heart be troubled
One of the hardest things that Bonnie had to do was to share her health problems with others. She had people she felt comfortable talking to, but to submit a prayer request was not easy for her. I remember telling her that we are to pray for one another, but if we don’t know what to pray for on your behalf; how can we truly pray for you?
I was pleasantly surprised to see the prayer request she put in the next week, asking for prayers for her physical health. She later told me that she struggled with this decision, but she now knows it was the right decision. It may be difficult for some to open up in this manner, but we have to keep in mind that we are the family of God and are commanded to bear each other’s burdens.
Loving each other means giving those around us the opportunity to share our lives; no one has to suffer in silence. John 13:35 tells us, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Bonnie knows that she is not alone. She is finding out just how much God and those around her love her. We pray daily for her; we help where there is a need; we visit; we call; and I try to tell her a joke every week to make her laugh.
Bonnie gave me permission to tell her story to help and encourage others. I am encouraged each time we speak on the phone or when I spend time with her. God has increased her faith, strengthened and encouraged her. To Bonnie, His grace is sufficient.
Chant’a Collier and her husband, Rodney, attend the Atlanta, Georgia, congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association.
For further reading: When facing trials or encouraging others facing trials, it can be helpful to review these 50 “Encouraging Bible Verses.”