Godly Women Blog

Let God Write the Story of Your Life!

Written by Dee Kilough

In the midst of a trial, I asked God to lead me through the Scriptures to right attitudes and conclusions. The journey has been transforming, and I have only one regret.

Everyone goes through times of great happiness, deep sadness, joyful celebration, wrenching grief and everything in between. These are the chapters that eventually comprise the story of our lives.

A really tough time

In my 30s I went through a particularly difficult time. I faced constant pain and possibly permanent disabilities from a bad car wreck, to say nothing of the financial stress and the pressure of needing to give time and (nonexistent) energy to my preteens.

Looking for comfort to get through those days as graciously as possible, I started searching God’s Word, and it was during this period that I discovered a tool that has since guided me through many a rough patch, as well as good times too!

The magazine incident

Before this discovery, though, the pain, fear and tiredness were starting to get to me. My family was thankfully gone when one day, in a fit of frustration and self-pity, “the magazine incident” occurred. Sobbing, I grabbed a magazine, tore it to shreds, and threw it all over our bedroom!

This outburst wasn’t very fulfilling (neither was the cleanup), but it served a purpose. In the calmer aftermath I realized I needed to have God more involved in my emotional and spiritual recovery.

Writing a Scripture story

So I started out where I was, emotionally and mentally (like David often did in the Psalms) and asked God to lead me through the Scriptures to right attitudes and conclusions. Once I began to see these scriptures, I felt the need to type them out in full—no commentary, just scriptures.

As this scripture list grew, I began to grasp that every event forms a unique chapter in the greater story of one’s life and that God clarifies it for us through His Word. I found that I was more easily connecting God’s words and guidance to specific situations in my life, plus concentrating more positively on what needed to exist in each situation—God’s way!

The first story

This began a new and more thoughtful approach toward Bible study. The powerful words of Psalm16 formed the building blocks for the scriptures to follow: “Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. … ‘You are my Lord: apart from you I have no good thing.’ … LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure” (Psalm 16:1-2, 5, New International Version).

The words, “I have set the LORD always before me. …. I will not be shaken” (verse 8) were extremely motivating. Other scriptures found in this psalm alone about faith, thanksgiving, humility, patience and hope gave further impetus to the study.

Soon other scriptures were added to the string. Hebrews 10:35-38 (faith, confidence, perseverance), Hebrews 12:2 (Jesus Christ endured for the joy set before Him, and I am to be like Him), James 1:2-6 (ask God for wisdom, do not doubt) and James 3:17 (the wisdom that comes from God). All were typed out in full.

As these verses revealed God’s purpose, love and care, it began to reshape my view of this chapter of my life—where I was, and where I needed to be, was now clearly emerging. Interestingly, the study ended where it began, in Psalm 16: “You have made known to me the path of life” (verse 11). This was happening right before my eyes!

From then on, I began to use the same technique for any situation in which I found myself. Seeing these as chapters of life, it made sense to call these lists my “Scripture stories.” A casual observer would see no subjects or plot line, but I knew very well the stories these verses represented!

These Scripture stories became essential tools for growth, encouragement and inspiration. I’d fold these pages and put them in my purse, to be pulled out and read often (instant Bible study in a bag!). Over time, many “life chapters”—some wonderful, others difficult—were committed to paper this way.

A mistake

These Scripture stories were transforming. They could begin with joy, inspiration, puzzlement, pain or grief, but they always brought faith, comfort, peace and clarity. They often started off self-centered, but they ended with God in the center and me on the outside looking into His thinking and love.

I only have one regret: I should have collected them in one place, but I didn’t and lost track of some. What a big mistake! It was like losing the historical record of certain sections of my life! I won’t do that again.

Maybe you, too, will find inspiration in dealing with the times of your life in this way. What a remarkable biography it makes—the story of your life, one chapter at a time, your life and times through the words of God!

Dee KiloughDee and her husband, Clyde, serve in the ministry in Texas. She’s passionate about living God’s ways and studying His Word, and especially enjoys learning about the roles of godly women. She loves spending time with family and friends, and fishing and camping with her grandkids!

See the previous post by Dee Kilough: "She Reaches Out Her Hands."