Godly Women Blog

The True Power of a Godly Woman

Written by Ella Mae Tyrkalo

Power of a godly womanIt’s not unusual to find women at the helm of leading companies and governments. Do you ever feel your contribution as a wife and mother just can’t measure up?

Women in our modern world are often pictured as bold, take-charge decision makers both at home and in the workplace. Sharing or possessing “the power” may be considered a woman’s inherent right in an egalitarian society.

Yet others who are suddenly thrust into the role of single parent, de facto head of the household and primary breadwinner may feel very uncomfortable with the moniker “woman of power,” preferring not to perform roles that have been traditionally perceived as masculine in nature.

Is there a place in the Church for women of strength and power? Most importantly, how does God view women who exert a great deal of influence? Are there circumstances in which godly, righteous females could legitimately be considered “women of power”?

There are many instances in the Bible where virtuous women demonstrated both strength and power. For example, Esther was a woman who, during a critical time in history, had the courage and faith to go before the king to save the Jewish people. God blessed her efforts in a mighty way.

A woman of influence

Though there are many other references to special women in God’s Word, I would like to share a more recent story of a young woman in God’s Church with whom I became acquainted over 40 years ago. For the sake of privacy, I will refer to her as Callie.

Callie was beautiful inside and out and possessed a lovely smile and a warm and gracious spirit.

During the same period of time, our congregation also included a quiet and reserved, yet friendly and pleasant, single father. He had a young son and daughter to care for, and together they formed a close family unit that we had all grown to love and respect.

Over the course of time, Callie and the young man became friends and, to our delight, eventually married. It was encouraging to see her become tightly woven into the family tapestry. I watched Callie as she gratefully accepted her new roles of wife and mother to two children, both under the age of 7 at the time.

It was obvious to everyone that the children adored their new mother as they snuggled close to her, holding her hand and stroking her arm, or hovered nearby wherever she was sitting or standing.

Each week the little girl arrived at Sabbath services with her hair specially curled and arrayed in her lovely Sabbath dresses, accompanying her neatly groomed, “cleaned up and polished” brother.

Ongoing eye problems necessitated that Callie’s son wear glasses. She faithfully scheduled regular visits to the ophthalmologist and made sure he completed his daily eye exercises. I remember how the little boy wore a cover inside the inner part of the lenses near the nose piece of each eye, to block partial vision and to strengthen the eye muscles, which helped them stay focused.

The warmth of her feelings toward each of her children was evident to all as she gathered them in and embraced them, one on each arm, surrounding and uniting them with a love that only a mother could supply.

Bearing good fruit

Time passed and both of our families relocated to other areas. Through the years I thought of Callie and her wonderful example of love, tenderness and caring. I wondered how their family had fared.

I was sure that the little girl had grown into a beautiful young woman with a legacy of her own. At various times over the years I had heard the young man’s name mentioned—his involvement in various church activities and the professional help and specialized knowledge he provided his local congregation.

It was a wonderful feeling to realize that the quiet young boy with the corrective glasses had not only survived multiple setbacks and obstacles but had flourished and become a leader in his local church area. He had a wife, children and a loving family of his own.

What was a major sustaining and motivating factor in this family? Whose faith in God and nourishing support helped produce a young man who is currently serving his family and church with godly confidence and leadership?

I believe a good share of the credit goes to Callie. She set a sterling example of how God’s power can work in and through a woman to provide the strength, guidance, determination and selfless love a family needs.

A Christian woman with a meek and quiet spirit who exemplifies the fruits of God’s Spirit can unquestionably demonstrate the true power of a godly woman in today’s world.

Ella Mae Tyrkalo is a member of the Houston South congregation, and she feels blessed to have had the opportunity to sing special music through the years. She and her husband, Paul, enjoy reading and music, visiting with Church brethren and caring for their family pet.

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