Godly Women Blog

Time Flies … What Am I Doing?

Written by Susan Scott Smith

Photo composite of a baby and a clock in motion, illustrating how time flies“So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

As birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, retirement parties or anniversaries of loved ones’ deaths march by (as they always seem to do with such regularity), we are reminded that we are finite. Our years are fleeting and brief.

Procrastination and the busy person

As the time flies by, I look back and wonder, what have I accomplished? In the past few months I’ve procrastinated. I’ve started several projects, yet finished few.

I have always heard that if you need something done, give it to a busy person. But why?

  • Is it because the non-busy people cannot do it?
  • Or they won’t do it?
  • Or they are into themselves?
  • Or they are in the grip of perfectionism?

Perhaps it is a bit of each. When I am not busy, I find myself involved in personal pursuits. If I’m focused on my own things, I might not notice that someone else has to pick up my slack in areas of service.

So the reasoning might go, if you need something done, give it to a busy person because:

  • Busy people will find the time to get it done.
  • They are organized.
  • They prioritize.

Priorities and premier tasks

When I am busy, I find it easier to prioritize tasks and take care of the important things first. One thing I have found—whether I am busy or not—is that staying on top of prayer and Bible study is the premier task each day. Whether I am busy or not, the day always goes better if I put these things first (Matthew 6:33).

When I am involved in helping out in some way, the tasks I complete are somehow more rewarding than my personal pursuits.

Of course, we all need to take care of ourselves every day; otherwise we will wind up needing to have others take care of us. But there is a limit to “my” time.

We must also be realistic and not bite off more than we can chew.

Just recently I was asked to do a job at church that would not take up a lot of time. I was hesitant, but said I would do it if no one else volunteered. I need to stand up and be counted. God has called us to follow Christ’s example of service (Matthew 20:26-28).

The next time I start to put off something, I must remember: The clock keeps ticking. I cannot get those seconds back. … What am I DOING?

Susan and Tony SmithSusan Scott Smith has been a teacher for more than 20 years and is a member of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, in Texas.

For more about procrastination, priorities and time management, see: