Living Christianity Blog

The House Next Door

Written by Paul Suckling

Recently I saw a real estate sign that included an interesting slogan. What can that slogan teach us about how we are to live our lives as Christians?

Moving in and moving out is a part of life in any neighborhood. On my street, we have seen “For Sale” signs go up and come down. “For Sale,” “Sale Pending” and then “Sold”!

Recently, the house next door to mine went up for sale. What caught my attention was the sign placed by the realty company. It had these words under the company name: “Integrity Uncompromised.”

I found that intriguing.

Do they literally live up to that slogan or is it just good marketing? Based on all that I know about the company, they do try to live up to that description in their business activities. I hope so. But this blog isn’t about a real estate company—it’s about you and me.

Does this describe us?

Let’s alter the wording of this slogan to apply it to ourselves. Can our way of life before God be described as “uncompromising integrity”?

Let’s analyze these words based on definitions from

Uncompromising: “not making or accepting a compromise: making no concessions: inflexible, unyielding.” Does this describe our efforts to serve God? With God’s help, we should strive to never compromise with what out Heavenly Father requires of us.

Integrity: “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values: incorruptibility; an unimpaired condition: soundness.” Our standard of conduct is to be based on God’s Word, and we strive not to be moved from that standard because of the influence of the world around us (John 17:15).

Placed together, these two words speak to a person of unquestionable character and quality. How many people do you know who have a reputation such as this? In so many walks of life, from the top to the bottom of nations around the world, we hear of corruption, dishonesty, scams, shortchanging and lying.

Back to you and to me. What is our (or my) reputation? Let’s ask the question of ourselves. Our character is to set us apart from all of this!

Are we walking the walk?

Can I be relied upon by other people? More importantly, can I be relied upon by God? Do I deal honestly with people or do I compromise my Christian values? Do I live by God’s way all the time or only when people are watching?

These are all good questions to ask ourselves.

So, could a well-chosen slogan for a real estate company also be a good description of our Christian lives?

By the way, the house sold within approximately one month.

For more insight from Paul Suckling on practicing true Christianity, read “Are You a Christian in Name Only?