Living Christianity Blog

What Are You Worth?

Written by Marcia Emerson

The undercover videos of Planned Parenthood discussing the sale of organs from aborted fetuses should cause us to reflect on the true value of human life.

I was nauseated after watching a 15-minute video showing actors posing as representatives of a human biologics company meeting with a director of Planned Parenthood to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.

These people coldly discussed the procurement of specific organs and the best way to harvest a whole, intact cadaver to obtain the highest price for it. Shown in a baking dish were the dismembered parts of a baby aborted that day. As a worker was picking through the parts with tweezers, the video shows her tossing aside a tiny arm and hand.

What’s the value of your life?

What are you worth? What is your value? According to this calloused perspective, the value of a human life can equate to how much your body parts will bring if sold for research. But is that the basis of our true value as human beings? Are we just expendable commodities that are born (if we are fortunate enough to even reach that state), live and die?

The Creator of mankind, the One who designed and brought us into existence, made us for a much greater purpose. According to His plan, we are not just physical entities, but are composed also of intellectual, emotional and spiritual elements that connect us to the Creator Himself. We are wondrously made in His image, with the potential of possessing the same qualities He has (Genesis 1:27; 1 John 3:2).

Although we are physical beings, we have the potential to be so much more. Sadly, the Planned Parenthood situation is just one example of people misunderstanding the basic value of human life. From sexual abuse to murder to other acts of violence—human beings continually reject the real value of human life. Only by seeing ourselves as our Creator sees us can we really grasp how precious every human life is.

Human value even before birth

David talked about his existence even before his birth in Psalm 139:13-15: “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.”

Our Creator wants to have a personal relationship with every human being who has ever lived (1 Timothy 2:4). He treasures us as unique individuals created to become members of His family. I know that can be a mind-blowing concept, but it is true. Until we come to see our immeasurable value in God’s eyes, human beings will continue to devalue and disrespect human life.

The whole world needs to be reeducated to understand the true meaning of life, why we were created and the glorious future that awaits us when we align our lives with God’s purpose for existence. It is an exciting journey wherein we can come to know who we really are, recognize the talents we have been given and use them for the good of all mankind. When we grasp this, our little world will expand into one that takes on a whole new dimension.

How much we are worth to God

We actually have had a price placed on us—but not in the way the world has priced us. This price was placed on us by Almighty God. In 1 Corinthians 6:20 and 7:23 we are told that God paid a high price for each of us—the life of His only Son. We must have this correct foundation of understanding as to who we are and why we exist in order to follow the right path that will lead to a contented, fulfilled life.

God wants to develop in you the qualities that will take you beyond just this physical realm into a thrilling eternal world of creativity and excitement beyond anyone’s wildest dreams!

To learn more about the future God has in store for each of us, read The Mystery of the Kingdom