Young Adult Blog

And the Earth Was Filled With Violence

Written by Adam Sanders

What does the violence in our world say about us? Are we being influenced by the attitudes of society, or are we seeking to live the way of peace God teaches?

Since we were born, violence has been a constant part of our life. It has been part of our entertainment and part of every day’s news.

For many years Americans thought of the worst violence happening in faraway lands. But things have changed in recent decades, from the trench coat mafia bringing death to Columbine High School to the drug wars wreaking havoc in our major cities. Then terrorism came home to Americans as well, beginning with Sept. 11, 2001.

It is not as if there was no violence in America before these events, but it seems things have really ramped up in magnitude and viciousness.

What does violence say about us?

Does today’s violence say anything about us? When people’s lives are torn apart by mass murders and other violent crimes, shouldn’t we want to know why?

Of course, violence is not just an American problem; it is a human one. As a matter of fact, it was so bad at one time that the Bible says the earth was filled with violence. How did we get to that point, and why was it so violent?

Corrupted what is good

God created everything, including man, and said it was all very good (Genesis 1:31). Yet man soon abandoned God’s way to do what seemed right to him. In doing so, he rejected the way that would have ensured peace. God did not intend for us to be violent with one another. Violence has increased because we have ignored God and His law entirely—or at least the parts we don’t like. Without God’s law, what we are left with is a stew of ideas, some of which may seem good, while others are downright evil.

And when things don’t go our way, we often turn to violence.

Back in the day

That was the problem shortly before the flood in Noah’s time, when God said, “The earth was filled with violence” (Genesis 6:11). Every thought or intention of their hearts was evil. Evil was the new normal, because God was not in people’s lives.

Our violence may not have reached the level of Noah’s day yet, but are we getting there? Are we going in the right direction as a country and as a world? Base your answer on the truth of God’s Word, not the relativism of humans—not what people think is right or wrong. Is this the world we want to have our children and grandchildren grow up in? What will the earth be like in 10 years?

Choose good

In Noah’s day, one family chose a different path than most. The earth was so evil and so filled with violence that God wanted to start anew. Noah chose good and abstained from evil. We can choose good now and follow God’s way. Even though the difference between what is right and wrong has become blurry to the world, the truth is very clearly laid out in the pages of God’s Word.

No more violence

There is coming a day when Jesus Christ will return—when good will be labeled as good and championed, and when evil will be called evil and corrected. As it says in Isaiah 11:9, “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.”

There is a direct correlation between God’s way abounding and violence being brought under control.

What would you rather have the earth full of—violence or the knowledge of the Lord? What kind of world would you rather your children and grandchildren be raised in?

Read more about the time of peace that Jesus Christ will bring in the Life, Hope & Truth section on the “Kingdom of God.” May God speed that day!

Adam Sanders is a member of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, and attends the Columbus/Cambridge, Ohio, congregation with his wife and four children.