Young Adult Blog

But God Can!

Written by Erin Benton

God, through David, defeats the giant Goliath (artist's conception).A children’s program at church made a big impression on me. How can we learn the message of faith the children sang so enthusiastically about?

A couple of years ago, the children at church put on a program called, “Nothing Is Too Big for God.” In it, they sang a short song that reminded us that nothing is too big for God. “No fire is too hot, no giant is too tall. … God’s greater than them all.”

It was only a short 20-minute program; but honestly, it was one of the best “sermons” I have ever heard. It has stuck with me long after the children ended their program with a heartfelt, “But God can!” Their sweet, innocent faces said it all. You could see and feel that they really meant the words they were singing.

Fast-forward 20 years

What happens to us between ages 5 and 25 that makes us all of a sudden feel like our problems are too big for God? What makes us think that the task that lies ahead is just too monumental and we can’t do it?

Do we forget that God is the same yesterday, today and forever? Do we forget that the same God who opened up the Red Sea for the Israelites and saved Daniel in the lion’s den is the One who listens to our prayers?

Jesus tells us in Mark 11:22-24 to “have faith in God.” He goes on to say that we shall have whatever things we ask when we pray—if we believe. He was speaking to His followers, of course, who are called of God, pleasing to Him and obedient to His will (1 John 3:21-22). (For more on faith and answered prayer, see “What Is Faith?” and “An African Example of Answered Prayer.”)

Recognizing faith-building experiences

Speaking from personal experience, I know faith is not something that is acquired all at once. In my own life I have seen faith build up slowly over time, and the faith-building experiences are not always earth-shattering. While I have seen miracles of great magnitude happen, often they come in small, everyday matters.

Yet it’s so easy to allow our faith to backslide. It’s so easy to say, “Yeah, God stepped in all of those times. But will He do it this time?”

And then I think about my 9-year-old son and about how I would feel if he came to me and said, “Momma, I know you have always had my back, but I just really don’t know if I can count on you this time.” That would make me very sad indeed. I want him to know that no matter what, no matter the situation, I am always in his corner.

How much more does God want that same kind of trust from us?

Great exploits?

Daniel 11:32 says, “But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”

Do we really believe God when we read that? Little ol’ me—could I do great exploits? Yes! If we face great trials, He can give us the strength to do great things. We can do nothing by ourselves, but if we take the time to get to know our Father in heaven, then there is literally no limit. Our calling is truly the greatest blessing that can be bestowed on any human being.

Let’s be like those little children and believe it when we say to ourselves, “We can’t fix this, but God CAN!”

Erin Benton attends the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, in East Texas.

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