
Godly Women Blog

What’s All This Talk About Purpose?

Written by Amber Clark

This seven-letter word holds secrets for the direction and ultimate meaning of our lives. There’s much more to it than career goals and physical success. What is my purpose? How do I find my...

Living Christianity Blog

The Real No-Spin Zone Is on Your Bookshelf

Written by James D. Cannon

We use the word spin to describe untrustworthy words used to influence our opinion. The opposite of spin is truth. Where can we find truth? In the last 10 to 15 years “spin” has become a...

The Man Blog

Three Lessons in Leadership From General Patton

Written by Joshua Travers

General George Patton is known as a bold leader who played a vital role in World War II. What lessons in leadership can we learn from him? General George S. Patton is often seen as one of the most...

Teen Blog

Is the Dark Side Awakening in You?

Written by Joshua Travers

A theme of the Star Wars saga is the choice between the “light side” and the “dark side” of the force. Christians actually face a very similar choice. Once again, entreaties...

Young Adult Blog

Sowing Good Consequences for Eternal Life

Written by Jorge Iván Garduño

Sometimes we can’t see how the things we do now will affect our future. But a young man who made many mistakes can help us understand how God sees things. “Do not remember the sins of my...

Godly Women Blog

The Mission

Written by Chant’a Collier

An evening with some ladies who experienced the American home front during World War II provided some valuable lessons about our mission and calling. While living in Baltimore, Maryland, my husband...

Young Adult Blog

Lessons From Forcing Myself to Watch Star Wars

Written by Jeana Beilstein

Recently I forced myself to watch the Star Wars movies and learn what they are all about. I found that this experience had some parallels for our spiritual lives. With much anticipation, many...

Living Christianity Blog

Is FI Continuing Education on Your Bucket List?

Written by Susan Scott Smith

For the past two years, I have attended the FI Continuing Education classes. I would like to share why I’ve found these classes so beneficial. Due to a popular movie, the term bucket list has...

Living Christianity Blog

Writer’s Guidelines From the Editor in Chief

Written by Karen Meeker

A successful writer must pay careful attention to writer’s guidelines in order to be published. Without them, writer’s remorse is sure to follow! The first experience I had with an editor...