Written by Pam Myers
Social media is the dominant way people communicate today. Yet listening is vital for understanding and conveying support and encouragement. Have you ever been in a conversation with...
Written by Haven Swanson
Embarrassment, worry and insecurity can plague us. But the Bible has practical tips for defeating such overthinking. We can be our own worst enemy, all because of our thoughts. The...
Written by Caleb Averett
Why does it feel like I can’t say what I want to say, regardless of how hard I try? Could it be that my biggest enemy is . . . myself? We’ve known how to talk since...
Written by Erica Golden
Serving our families and congregations is a vital Christian duty. But how can we determine whether we’re merely doing tasks or building relationships? My daughter started helping...
Written by Bellinda Simanjuntak
Being a CYC camper and then a staff member have been exciting and meaningful experiences. Here are some spiritual lessons these experiences taught me. In 2015, I had the opportunity...
Written by Mark Gideon Agayo
Being in the Church doesn’t make you better than those outside the Church. You are different, but not better. Recently, I remembered a recurring thought I had when I was a...
Written by Amber Taylor
The end-of-camp dance isn’t everybody’s thing. But have you tried changing your perspective? Here’s how I learned to love camp dances. At the beginning of my teen...
Written by Lyndi Fultz
Scriptural insights can help us navigate the modern demands of digital communication. In essence, we must show respect and protect ourselves. Ding! Text: “Do you want to meet...
Written by Monica Ebersole
Opportunities to learn are all around us. Even small flowers can teach big lessons about the pitfalls of comparing ourselves to others. Have you ever found yourself in this scenario?...