Written by Jordan Iacobucci
Written by Eddie Foster
Written by Monica Ebersole
We all have seen examples of exceptionally strong marriages. What is it that makes these marriages stand out as exceptional? This year my life changed. As I excitedly finished...
Written by Carl Demadema
Every week, we are blessed to rest on God’s Sabbath. But how should we keep God’s Sabbath holy? How can we properly observe God’s Sabbath? What do you do to begin...
Written by Bellinda Simanjuntak
How crucial is tithing? Why should young people tithe, even if they don’t have much money? What does God want us to learn from the practice of tithing? I’m a...
Written by Melissa M. Puzon
The day will come when death will end and its bitter sting will cease. A member shares her path of coping during a series of personal tragedies in her life. Have you ever been stung by a...
Written by Mark Gideon Agayo
Our priorities show what is important to us. As young people, what should our priorities be? The teenage years are relatively short, lasting for about seven years. Therefore,...
Written by Karen Meeker
Every human being experiences regret at times. The challenge is what to do about it! Here are ways to understand regret and some helpful strategies to manage it. Setting the scene I know...
Written by Rizza Dizon
How important is it that people in a romantic relationship have the same religious beliefs? Is it truly significant in the lives of Christians? A few years ago, I met a guy that I...