
Living Christianity Blog

Coming Soon: The Kingdom of God on Earth

Written by Sam Shrauner

A major theme of the Bible forecasts that our future is not to go off into heaven. Instead, we are to become a new society under Jesus Christ on this earth! The Holy Bible chronicles...

Teen Blog

Sooner or Later: A Lesson From the Life of Abimelech

Written by Eddie Foster

Why is it that sometimes it seems like evil is winning? Why do some people who do horrible things seem to get away with it for so long? Is God asleep at the wheel?    Lex Luthor....

Living Christianity Blog

Growth Mind-Set, Fixed Mind-Set and the Godly Mind-Set

Written by Vivienne Villaescusa

Understanding an educational theory about mind-sets can give us insight into our approach to change in our spiritual life. In the realm of educational psychology, there are different...

Living Christianity Blog

What Is the Purpose of Pain?

Written by Barry Richey

The awful pain and suffering of this world can be overwhelming. What does it all mean? How can the awesome future roles God has in store for us give meaning to the pain of the past? It was...

Teen Blog

How to Talk to Your Teacher About the Feast

Written by Sarah Hanson

The Feast is a time to rejoice, but sometimes the stress of missing school can make rejoicing difficult. What can we do to lessen this stress? The Feast of Tabernacles is one of the most...

Teen Blog

The Character of a True Friend

Written by Madeline and Abigail Mann

We all have friends, but how good are our friendships? Are we developing the kind of friendships that will last a lifetime? What kind of character do we need to be true friends? True...

Godly Women Blog

Why You Should Consider Attending the FI Continuing Education Week

Written by Susan Scott Smith

I’ve been attending the Foundation Institute Continuing Education summer session for several years. This year was great, and next year might be even better! Many years after...

Living Christianity Blog

Faith and Healing

Written by Leon Leonard

Many of God’s people are currently experiencing chronic health trials. We need to constantly remind ourselves of what God’s Word says about faith and healing. We are all...

Young Adult Blog

When Did Abraham Build His Faith?

Written by Andrew Travers

Abraham is considered one of the Bible’s most faithful people. But when did he develop his strong faith in God? The Jews trace their nation’s history and faith back to him. He...