Written by Chant’a Collier
God has called us into His Church, which is a spiritual family. How can we develop stronger bonds with and learn more about our brothers and sisters in God’s Church? Psalm 133 begins...
Written by Susan Scott Smith
I’ve been attending the Foundation Institute Continuing Education summer session for several years. This year was great, and next year might be even better! Many years after...
Written by Chant’a Collier
Do you want to travel abroad for the Feast, but worry about a physical limitation? Planning ahead can make it possible, and it’s extremely rewarding! Visiting Paris has been a dream...
Written by Erica Golden
If I’d known the kinds of troubled patients I’d be serving, I may not have taken the job. But after hearing their stories, I realized these were the kinds of people Jesus willingly chose...
Written by Chant’a Collier
Recently I experienced two uncomfortable events—a fall and a yellow jacket sting. This blog post shares lessons I learned from these two incidents. While taking my daily lunchtime...
Written by Judy Swanson
What can we do to keep the lessons of the Feast of Tabernacles alive after we return to the daily grind of this world? In a word: Focus. Do you feel overwhelmed? Tired, exhausted? After...
Written by Judy Swanson
We all have good intentions, but that doesn’t matter if we don’t follow through! Have you ever given your word or promised something, but didn’t follow through? Maybe you...
Written by Chant’a Collier
Years ago, I was taught some “pearls of wisdom” by my mother-in-law. I’d like to share some of those pearls with you. My first Sabbath service in God’s Church was...
Written by Sherry Beilstein
Losing electricity doesn’t make for an ideal Mother’s Day. What can we learn from my “powerless” Mother’s Day? Have you ever lost power in your home? No...