Godly Women Blog


Keep Your Heart With All Diligence

Written by Janel Johnson

To “keep” is to guard, preserve, be faithful to and maintain. It’s a responsibility to protect and care for. How can I keep my heart with diligence? When I was a young...


Mercy in the Locker Room Stall

Written by Lyndi Fultz

A life-defining moment isn’t always about the gold, a goal or the glory. Sometimes, it comes during a moment of determining what to do next. It was a Monday at 6:55 a.m. I was 11...


Meditations on Noah’s Ark and Our Earthly Vessels

Written by Judy Moore

Noah’s ark was a physical vessel God used to protect Noah, his family and the animals. This made me think about what we put into our earthly vessels. Have you ever meditated on Noah...


The Exceptional Marriage

Written by Monica Ebersole

We all have seen examples of exceptionally strong marriages. What is it that makes these marriages stand out as exceptional?  This year my life changed.  As I excitedly finished...


Touched by the Sting of Death

Written by Melissa M. Puzon

The day will come when death will end and its bitter sting will cease. A member shares her path of coping during a series of personal tragedies in her life. Have you ever been stung by a...


Managing Regret

Written by Karen Meeker

Every human being experiences regret at times. The challenge is what to do about it! Here are ways to understand regret and some helpful strategies to manage it. Setting the scene I know...


The Work of Homemaking

Written by Erica Golden

The term “homemaker” is not often used today and only appears once in the Bible. What does this word mean, and what does it signify for godly women today? I recently came...


From Bored to Bustling: Ideas for Engaging Our Teens

Written by Janel Johnson

Are your teens saying “I’m bored” too often this summer? If so, here are some ideas to keep them engaged and productive for the summer months.  “Summertime and...


Meema Camp!

Written by Pam Myers

With the advent of summer, the camping season has arrived. We all know about preteen, teen and family camps, but how about having a “Meema Camp”? Summer is here!  Open...