Given by Mark Winner
The time leading into Passover requires an intense period of self-examination according to what the Apostle Paul shared in I Corinthians 11 in order not to be guilty of the blood and body of Jesus Christ. This sermon examines ways in which to make certain we are being thorough in that process.
Given by Clyde Kilough
We often hear the term “act of God” inappropriately applied to unforeseen tragedies. But what about the acts of man, and the acts of Satan? It is critically important to understand how the acts of man and Satan have created the world’s problems, and how the true acts of God will save us.
Given by Joel Meeker
A slogan created to promote good morale, emerging from the Second World War, can serve as a useful reminder to Christians in times of trial.
Given by Mark D Winner
Given by Jim Franks
It is very important that we understand the basic principles of Christianity. And it is very important that we put those principles into practice. The most basic key to Christianity is practice, practice, practice. We grow by doing.
Given by Doug Horchak
During times of crisis, especially on a world-wide scale, we can get caught up in uncertainty, fear, and even panic. God’s truth, His promises, and our relationship with Him gives us peace and hope in times of distress.
Given by Nathan Willoughby
Given by Clyde Kilough
One of the most underrated, least talked about qualities for a person to have is wisdom, yet God says it is the principal thing. How can we, especially young people, gain wisdom?
Given by Ralph Levy
Seventy-five years ago the first atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Sine then many have wondered: will humanity end this way? The answer is no, because of the elect of God. Who are the elect, and how did they become the elect?