
1:02:53 Are You and I Getting What We Are Supposed to Out of Trials -- Part 1

Are You and I Getting What We Are Supposed to Out of Trials -- Part 1

Given by Mark Winner

1:04:05 Are You a True Believer?

Are You a True Believer?

Given by Doug Horchak

Why do you live and practice the Church's beliefs? The depth of our faith will be tried. And although Peter says this is "more precious than gold", as Christians, we need to be sure our spiritual foundations and belief are based on deep convictions.

1:01:42 Introduction to the Law

Introduction to the Law

Given by Arnold Hampton

1:04:24 Remember Lot's Wife

Remember Lot's Wife

Given by Doug Horchak

Christ admonished His disciples about their readiness for His return. He used the admonition, "Remember Lot's Wife". This message gives an in-depth view of Lot's family and destruction of Sodom, and what we can learn from Mrs. Lot's actions.

1:05:34 How Do You Measure Wealth?

How Do You Measure Wealth?

Given by Clyde Kilough

God has called His people from all levels of physical income, from poor to rich. He calls on us to adopt His perspective of what is true wealth and true poverty, and to manage our lives accordingly.

1:04:44 Discerning Both Good and Evil

Discerning Both Good and Evil

Given by David Johnson

Our culture has been flooded with "fake news," distorted news reporting, and well-meaning but foolish advice from many sources. For the Christian it is not just a societal problem, it is a spiritual problem. Throughout the history of Israel and the New Testament Church, as well as in the future, the ability to discern both good and bad...

1:07:34 I Think, Therefore ...

I Think, Therefore ...

Given by Clyde Kilough

The Bible is full of instruction concerning the importance of our thoughts, minds, hearts, and attitudes. It also has a lot to say about what is probably the most powerful tool to properly govern our thinking, and perhaps one of the most overlooked ways to draw close to God—meditation.

47:57 Seek You a Kingdom

Seek You a Kingdom

Given by Joel Meeker

A story from the childhood of Alexander the Great accentuates how we must aim to fulfill our entire potential. What potential has God given to us. How can we achieve it?

1:04:22 Let Us Keep the Feast

Let Us Keep the Feast

Given by David Johnson

When the first Day of UB falls on a Sabbath, as in 2018 and 2019, the only service we have to give guidance through the festival is on the first day. What do we need to keep in mind as we go through the Days of UB this year? What can we learn from the Israelites as they came out of Egypt?...