
1:13:17 Why do Christians Keep the Holy Days?

Why do Christians Keep the Holy Days?

Given by David Johnson

Those who reject the keeping of the annual holy days like to attack the twigs in hope of toppling the tree. What are the "trunk of the tree" reasons for Christians to keep the holy days, and how can we explain those "twiggy" scriptures? This message will focus on four fundamental principles that undeniably show that...

1:13:48 Spiritual Blindness

Spiritual Blindness

Given by Doug Horchak

God wants His people to have vision and understand the realities of life and the Christian Journey. There are spiritual principles for us to be mindful if we are to "see" and have the vision and understanding God desires for us.

1:01:16 By This Shall All Men Know

By This Shall All Men Know

Given by Doug Horchak

Christ taught His disciples a "new commandment". The newness of this admonition was HOW they were to love one another. Christ expects the same from His people today.

1:06:40 The Message that Built the Church

The Message that Built the Church

Given by Clyde Kilough

Christ fulfilled His promise to build His Church, but what was the message that He used to reach people? What evidence do we find in Acts that demonstrates how the apostles went about preaching, and what lessons can we glean for today?

1:06:19 Answering for Your Beliefs

Answering for Your Beliefs

Given by Jim Franks

If you were called before a draft board and had to defend your belief on military service what would you say? How convicted are you about what you believe?

1:18:34 Update on Spring Pastoral Trip

Update on Spring Pastoral Trip

Given by Joel Meeker

An audio-visual overview of the Spring Pastoral Trip to French Africa, with some lessons we can learn from what is happening in the world.

1:05:46 Honoring God with our Holy Day Offerings

Honoring God with our Holy Day Offerings

Given by Britton Taylor

To show how offerings are an essential part of our calling into a relationship with God…And the Holy Day Offering is in fact holy.

1:07:21 I See Something in You

I See Something in You

Given by Jim Franks

God formed man in His image. We understand that man has an incredible potential to be part of the family of God. What exactly do we mean by the expression "the incredible human potential."

1:00:10 Esau, Edom and Bitterness

Esau, Edom and Bitterness

Given by Ralph Levy

A conflict that started in the womb is still with us today. Edom turned bitter. But what does that teach us as Christians in the twenty-first century?