
44:12 Toward a Kingdom of Light

Toward a Kingdom of Light

Given by Joel Meeker

The Bible often uses the metaphors of light and darkness; day and night to teach vital spiritual lessons. Let's explore some.

57:08 A Vision for the Future

A Vision for the Future

Given by Jim Franks

What does the future look like for the Church? Where will the future ministers come from? We believe that the International Leadership Program contains the “vision for the future.” Its purpose is to identify and train future leaders for the Church. This is most important for the Church today.

1:05:02 Choose Life

Choose Life

Given by Britton Taylor

What is the message of the Bible? What is God’s goal for mankind? Two choices have been placed before you. You can choose life, or you can choose death. This sermon shows the depth of God’s love for man and why He wants you to choose life.

54:09 Of What Kingdom Are We?

Of What Kingdom Are We?

Given by Joel Meeker

Jesus said His Kingdom was not of this world, so His servants would not fight. What did He mean, and how does this apply to us today?

1:07:51 The Deep Things of God

The Deep Things of God

Given by David Johnson

Becoming teachers of God’s truth can seem like an overwhelming task, but God has given each of us a special tool to help in the process. That tool—the Holy Spirit—leads the believer to look more deeply into God’s Word. Are we using that tool?

49:07 A Voice In The Wilderness: John the Baptist

A Voice In The Wilderness: John the Baptist

Given by Ralph Levy

He was an outsider, with strange dress and diet and a genuine message from God that hadn’t been heard in about four centuries. The Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ at His first coming, and his example has much to teach us as we prepare the way for Christ at His second coming.

59:02 Pathway to the Kingdom

Pathway to the Kingdom

Given by Jim Franks

Each year, as president, I am required to submit a strategic plan. The strategic plan lays out the steps that will be taken to achieve our strategic objectives—our goals. As Christians, our goal is the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). What kind of strategic plan do we have? How will we go about achieving the goal of God’s Kingdom?...

1:06:14 The God Premise

The God Premise

Given by Doug Horchak

A premise is the foundation upon which we base our beliefs and opinions. In this sermon we explore the importance of having proven God exists in our personal, Christian lives.

1:01:33 Preparing the Next Generation

Preparing the Next Generation

Given by David Johnson

The blessing of the children is more than an event we watch from a distance. With our “Amen,” we are committing ourselves to be instruments through which God can provide the blessings. How can we reach across generations to help the next generation of believers?