
1:07:47 The Blessing of the Law of Moses

The Blessing of the Law of Moses

Given by Ralph Levy

Through Moses God gave lots of laws to the nation of Israel. But what do those laws mean to us, Christians in the twenty-first century? In this sermon we take a look at that question, and provide some answers.

59:32 Hold Fast to That Which Is Good

Hold Fast to That Which Is Good

Given by Jim Franks

Christ questioned whether He would find faith on earth when He returned. A major part of faith is holding on. And in our society today, it is holding on to that which is good. The book of Hebrews has a lot to say about both faith and endurance.

1:08:15 Is Patience Important?

Is Patience Important?

Given by Doug Horchak

Patience has been touted as a virtue. But in our hurried culture we are programmed to “get results fast,” and patience seems a rare commodity. We find in the Word of God that the quality of patience is actually central to the plan of God.

57:41 The Repentance Factor

The Repentance Factor

Given by Clyde Kilough

What do we really need to do as a world, nation and individuals to really effect the changes in society that everyone wants to see? The core issue for change lies in something most people don't want to address—repentance.

1:18:12 This Is Not Your Father’s Feast

This Is Not Your Father’s Feast

Given by Jim Franks

What will this Feast be like? There are still some unanswered questions but it definitely won't be like the Feasts of recent years.

1:08:22 The Mark of the Beast: What Is it?

The Mark of the Beast: What Is it?

Given by Ralph Levy

The Book of Revelation tells of a mysterious mark to be imposed by the Beast prior to the return of Jesus Christ. Where does this mark come from? How will it impact the world? And how will it impact the people of God?

46:11 Enter Into the Joy of Your Lord

Enter Into the Joy of Your Lord

Given by Joel Meeker

In these troubling times, we could all use more joy in our lives. God offers us joy in this life, and the promise of eternal joy in the life to come.

1:11:46 Anger Leads to Destruction and Heartache

Anger Leads to Destruction and Heartache

Given by Mark Winner

2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. It would be fair to say it has been a year in which greater levels of anger have been exposed. So how are we supposed to deal with it? What do we need to know to keep anger from consuming us?

1:04:41 Beloved, Test the Spirits

Beloved, Test the Spirits

Given by David Johnson

When the apostle John told the brethren to "test the spirits whether they are of God," he was writing to a church much like the church today. A close study shows us he was not talking primarily about spirit beings but about attitudes. Christians are admonished to make sure the attitudes they are receiving are really godly. How...