Young Adult Blog

Anger: “It Injures Me”

Written by Eddie Foster

Anger is an all-too-familiar “gateway” feeling that can lead to more destructive behaviors. What does God’s Word tell us about managing this feeling? Those of us who enjoy a...

There’s Joy, Yes, There’s Joy in My Heart!

Written by Dave La Ravia

Do you ever ask yourself, “What do I have to be joyful for? My day is filled with discouragement and heartache. My children don’t do what I ask them to do. I’m not happy with my...

Stuck in a Rut?

Written by Erin Tootle

When routines become boring, repetitive ruts, what can we do? Especially if the ruts affect our relationship with God? Have you ever been stuck in a rut? You know, when you realize that you’ve...

A Pair of What? Of Paraprosdokians and Christians

Written by Ron Kelley

Learning a funny new word helped give some fresh insight into a common but commonly misused term. Recently a friend sent one of those email forwards that can be fun and interesting. This email...

Are You One Step Away From Murder?

Written by Mary Henderson

Although they don’t know it, lots of people are only a step away from committing full-blown murder. Could you be closer than you think? If you were ordered to administer a lethal 450-volt...

A Shocking Discovery

Written by Jeremy Lallier

Learning I’d made a mistake came as quite a shock, but I think I learned something from it. It’s not every day that you have the opportunity to find out what it’s like to...

What’s Your Emotional Intelligence?

Written by Shannon Foster

We all have emotions. How we react to them can help or hurt our progress toward developing godly character. Emotional intelligence (EQ), according to John Mayer and Peter Salovey (leading...

Remember, I Called You! (Thinking About Baptism?)

Written by Peter Holmes

When a person is considering baptism, sometimes the eternal commitment involved can seem frightening. Examining God’s answers to some real questions can help. During Sabbath services at the...

Can You Hear Me Now?

Written by Robert Worsham

Do we only hear what we want to hear? Or do we have a zeal for hearing the truth no matter how much we may not want to hear it? There is an old saying that goes something like, “God created...