Young Adult Blog


Overcome Misery: Be Happy

Written by Johnathan Armstrong

Living in the world today can be full of disappointment—or it can be full of beauty, joy and happiness. Our approach makes all the difference! Many of us grew up watching the lovable...


Winter Danger: Spiritual Hypothermia

Written by Gabriella Kroska

One of the greatest dangers of wintertime is hypothermia. But Christians should be even more concerned about spiritual hypothermia. As winter draws near and temperatures drop in the Northern...


Don’t Forget Thanksgiving!

Written by Joshua Travers

A simple conversation revealed the sad attitude that many Americans have concerning Thanksgiving. The merchandising of Christmas has totally eclipsed it! It’s that time of year...


It’s About Time

Written by Leslie M. Bosserman

Learn what a broken wristwatch taught one volunteer, living abroad in Jordan, about godly service, true community and putting others’ needs first. The other day I looked down at my watch and...


You Are a Pilgrim!

Written by Sarah Henderson

Thanksgiving and pilgrims go hand in hand. The Bible teaches us that we are pilgrims as well. Did you know that you are a pilgrim? You may have a family and a home with all the...


The Sin Behind the Sin

Written by Joshua Travers

Sin is a powerful force in our world. Why is it that, despite all of man’s efforts, we have a world so full of sin? Morals in this world, or lack of them, cause many of us great grief. Sin...


What’s the Will of God for You?

Written by Josh Stevens

How can we get through life’s storms and challenges and achieve God’s perfect will for our lives? Consider these two important biblical steps. Jesus Christ said to work while it is...


Catching Rainwater

Written by Erica Bennett

In a spiritually parched world, where will we turn to fill our thirst? God uses a powerful analogy to encourage us to look to Him for life-giving waters. When God chose Israel to be His holy,...


The Dmanisi Skull: What Does It Reveal About Man’s Origins?

Written by Arnold C. Mendez Sr.

A recent skull discovered in Georgia has challenged scientific assumptions about the origin of humans. Does the discovery truly support evolution? A recent stunning discovery in the...