Young Adult Blog


Trick or Truth? You Decide!

Written by Sarah Henderson

Can light and darkness coexist for the bettering of a holiday filled with witches, vampires and death? Is Halloween all bad, or are parts of it redeemable? The Halloween season seemed to hit...


For Pépère

Written by Jeremy Lallier

My grandfather wasn’t famous. But he was special to my family, and he was special to God. Even when the world cannot, God will remember my pépère. No one ever opens a history...


Should a Christian Have Self-Esteem?

Written by Erica Bennett

Society’s obsession with self-esteem can have unintended consequences. How should we as Christians determine our self-esteem and the way we esteem others? Self-esteem is one of the most...


Anger: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Written by Joshua Travers

You can feel it pulsing within you. It’s struggling to control you. Once it gains control, there’s no telling what might happen—anger is so hard to fight! Anger is something that...


Don’t Follow Your Heart, Get a New One!

Written by Jennifer Cox

A popular philosophy that runs through many pop songs and movies is the idea that one should follow his or her heart. But is there a better way? The story line of many feel-good movies often goes...


To FI or Not to FI: That Was the Question

Written by Jennifer Cox

Questions, doubts and challenges nagged at me. Could I really do it? Was it too late? Was Foundation Institute the right choice? Even before Foundation Institute existed, my friend and I had...


And the Earth Was Filled With Violence

Written by Adam Sanders

What does the violence in our world say about us? Are we being influenced by the attitudes of society, or are we seeking to live the way of peace God teaches? Since we were born, violence has been...


The Ambassador Is … You!

Written by Joshua Travers

After much careful thought and consideration, God has appointed His ambassador. Congratulations! So what should you do now? The position of ambassador is a very serious one. Few people are so...


Boston, Bombs and You

Written by Joshua Travers

On April 15, twin explosions in Boston rocked the United States as a whole. Yet an even greater threat is in the works—one that directly concerns you. You are running a race. It’s not...