Godly Women Blog

God Wouldn’t Let That Happen to Me, Would He?

Written by Barbara Lee

I was sure that God wouldn’t let it happen to me. But I learned that I was missing a very important point. I had just had my nine-year anniversary with the company I was working for. My life...

Reading the Bible: A Daunting Task?

Written by Karen Meeker

The Bible is an amazing book—not an easy one, but one well worth the effort. Here are some approaches for gaining more from God’s Word. So many Bibles have been printed that no one is...

Remembering the Joplin Tornado

Written by Rhonda Waddle

As the first anniversary of the Joplin tornado comes, I reflect on the terrible disaster and the powerful lessons it taught me. “Rhonda, there was a tornado! The house is destroyed....

Made With Love

Written by Chant’a Collier

My granddaughter’s experience building a teddy bear reminded me of God’s great love for us. As my granddaughter and I reached our destination, I saw the excitement grow in her eyes. We...

For Mother’s Day: Mothers of the Bible Quiz

Written by Karen Meeker

The Old and New Testaments are replete with accounts of mothers: some who occupied public positions; some who moved easily in prominent places; and often faithful women who quietly fulfilled duties...

“This World Is Not the One I Grew Up In…”

Written by Karen Meeker

Our world continues to change at an increasing pace, but is it for the better? As the values of the past become endangered, what can we hold on to? Several years ago my husband was speaking to a...

Thinking Is Not an Option

Written by Janel Johnson

For the Christian woman, thinking is not an option; it’s critically vital to her spiritual health! Decisions, decisions. They’re an everyday occurrence. From our choice of breakfast...

A Rainy Day in Rwanda: Lessons From a Polaroid

Written by Karen Meeker

Revisiting the wonders of photography and travel helps me to remember another wonder that allows me to see myself—the Holy Bible. When poet Robert Burns penned his famous line, “O...

The Smoking Litterbug: Impressions of a 3-Year-Old

Written by Chant’a Collier

Sometimes we don’t realize the impressions we are leaving on little ones. Our example is extremely important. As my granddaughter and I stopped at the red light, I glanced in the rearview...