Godly Women Blog

The Question About Questions

Written by Kathleen Giza

Have you ever found yourself asking God, “Why are You allowing this to happen?” I have, and I’ve also learned that I’m not alone. Many throughout the Bible have asked this...

Toxic Fragrances: What You Can Do (important link)

Written by Mike Bennett

Brian Shell has written an informative, compassionate blog post about what he has learned in trying to help his wife, Bridget, deal with severe fragrance sensitivities. Though his post is on The Man...

Smile! (But I Don’t Feel Like It)

Written by Susan Scott Smith

Some people say you should smile until you feel it. Fake it until you make it. Grin and bear it. Our reaction might be, “Why? I just don’t feel like it.” Most of us encounter a...

Like a Tree

Written by Mary Hendren

A pleasant conversation about the trees of our childhood sparked thoughts of even greater things God is growing. “There was a catalpa tree in our yard. We used to sword fight with the pods,...

God’s Construction Team

Written by Tina Rupp

What are we building today? When you imagine a construction site, you may picture things like a bulldozer, dirt, cement blocks, a stack of wood, a truckload of tools and a willing crew with a...

Accepting Average? Paralyzed by Perfectionism?

Written by Susan Scott Smith

Throughout our lifetime we hear the words average and perfect used in many contexts. Depending upon your background and occupation, you may have different reactions to these words. Several years...

The Catty Conundrum

Written by Debbie Pennington

For some reason I couldn’t understand, I had become the object of their derision. A friend and I had decided on an afternoon golf excursion to enjoy a break in the stormy weather and get...

Dear Dr. Luke

Written by Karen Meeker

I suppose everyone has a favorite section or book of the Bible. I have several, among them the writings of Luke. I decided to write him a letter to thank him for enriching my studies, especially...

The Relationship of the Potter and the Clay

Written by Tina Rupp

As our loving Father molds and shapes us on a daily basis into the exact vessel that He needs, what’s our responsibility? God uses pictures to illustrate what He is accomplishing in our...