Godly Women Blog

Healthy Bible Study Meals

Written by Amanda Weiss

When it comes to Bible study, am I a Rice-A-Roni Christian? Comparing three eating experiences gave me some insight into my spiritual diet as well. Recently, my husband and I went out to dinner at...

Am I Blessed and Happy—Like a Tree?

Written by Laura La Ravia

Poets and Christians can be inspired by—and learn a lot from—a tree. As I pondered one of my favorites, I thought about the fruit God expects me to produce during this festival season....

Two Queens Proclaim a Fast

Written by Karen Meeker

These two queens were worlds apart, and the fasts they proclaimed were diametrically opposite in attitude and purpose. Growing up, I never remember having heard the word fasting. Not, that is, until...

“Thy Kingdom Come”

Written by Rachel Koenig

Watching world events has made the need for the Kingdom of God more real to me. More than ever I see the importance of listening to God through Bible study and living with urgency. I was thinking...

Why Doesn’t He Listen?

Written by Judy Swanson

As a wife, it’s easy to feel your husband just isn’t listening to your input or that he doesn’t care. What should we do? How many times have I made an appointment to be at a...

The Power of Positive Expectations and Encouragement

Written by Becky Bennett

It’s easy to feel discouraged and incapable, and it takes a special person to believe in us and help us with positive encouragement. Thankfully, we can all be those special people! Oh, I was...

Pictures of Devotion

Written by Karen Meeker

Devotion manifests itself in different ways, but few are as profound or elicit such emotion as images, mental or real, of the bereft. Consider a devoted pet or a mother like Rizpah. Hawkeye...

He Fell in Love With My Mind!

Written by Judy Swanson

As I reflect back on getting to know my then future husband 50 years ago, I want to share some thoughts with those contemplating marriage. While I was in college, I met the man who would someday...

To Submit or Not to Submit?

Written by Sarah Henderson

As a wife in the 21st century, I face the challenge of understanding and applying the biblical instructions that so few respect today. What does it mean to be a godly wife today? What specific...