Christian Parenting Blog

Word Power: Dealing With “Slurs”

Written by Todd Carey

How can we help our children use words to help others—and deal with words others use to try to hurt them? While reading the sports page last week, I came across an article about a soccer...

Fun and Effective Ways to Teach Small Children About God and the Bible

Written by Mary Clark

Children have an amazing capacity to learn and remember all kinds of things. How can we—from the time they are babies—make sure the wonderful knowledge of God is always in their minds?...

You Can’t Give Too Much Love!

Written by Becky Bennett

At one time or another most parents will hear warnings of “don’t spoil your child!” It’s helpful to know the real cause of spoiling—and it isn’t love! Sometimes...

Children and Creativity: The Joy of the Box

Written by Karen Meeker

I recently viewed a YouTube video of a young child tossing an impressive pile of playthings out of a toy box, only to climb into the empty receptacle and sit contentedly. That was a clear...

Gifts From My Mother: Four Powerful Parenting Principles

Written by Andrea West

My mother taught me many things by word and example. She has always been “in front of me,” leaving a path for me to follow in many areas of life. Here are four parenting principles...

Teaching Children About the Sabbath: Moving From Our Time to God’s Time

Written by Todd Carey

When most members of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, began to observe God’s seventh-day Sabbath, they also learned that the Sabbath begins at Friday sunset and ends at Saturday...

“Sorry”: It’s a Hard Word for Kids Too!

Written by Becky Bennett

Giving apologies doesn’t come naturally for any of us. Calvin to Hobbes: “I feel bad that I called Susie names and hurt her feelings. I’m sorry I did it.” Hobbes:...

Discipline: It Sounds Like a Bad Word, but It Can Have Good Fruit!

Written by Todd Carey

Our children won’t believe it, but disciplining them is truly hard on their loving parents. Here’s a look at how determined, consistent, loving discipline can yield the peaceable fruit...

Power Struggles Aren’t Just a Problem for Tiger Mothers

Written by Becky Bennett

One of 2011’s most-talked-about books is a good reminder to parents to avoid unnecessary conflict over control. But the answer to dealing with this kind of battle is not complete surrender....