
A Nice Surprise

Written by Barbara Lee

We often aren’t aware of how things we are involved in affect others. Finding out can be an encouraging surprise! There are many types of surprises in life—some bad and some good. Nice...

Just One Bite

Written by Nancy Diraison

Disregard for God’s laws has led to a desperately tainted food supply. Is there a lesson in this that goes beyond what’s on the menu? While dining out with friends recently, a thought...

Do Manners Matter?

Written by Judy Swanson

How do you apply the rules of etiquette in the age of instant communication and social media? Do manners still matter? With all of the modern communication devices around us today in the form of...

Let’s Get It Right

Written by Chant'a Collier

There are lots of strange ideas about what happens after you die. But we know that what we do now is important—and that God can help us get it right. While taking public transit to work one...

Did I Fail to Say a Good Word Today?

Written by Lynn Marshall

Sometimes what we say can brighten someone’s day. But what about the times I’ve neglected the good words I should have said? It was so good to be almost home! It had been a long trip...

Teen Blog

Lessons From Giant Sequoias

Written by Karissa Carter

Interestingly, the giant sequoia can teach us many lessons about trials, growth and developing a strong foundation. Giant sequoias are the world’s largest trees by volume. They can grow...

Young Adult Blog

The Event of a Lifetime

Written by Joshua Travers

Have you ever missed a once-in-a-lifetime event? I did. But there’s one incredible event coming that I definitely don’t want to miss! On Oct. 17, 2012, an important historical event...

Teen Blog

Was the Bible Inspired by Poppy Seeds?

Written by Joshua Travers

The Bible is the greatest literary work known to mankind. Yet my professor thinks it was written by a bunch of men who were higher than a kite. Every now and then something is said that just...

Christian Parenting Blog

Childhood Anxiety: What Can Parents Do?

Written by Shannon Foster

As the world becomes more intense, so can the emotions of our children. If our children face childhood anxiety, how can we help them cope and overcome? As Christian adults, we are very well aware...